display mdc resource

Use display mdc resource to display the CPU, disk space, and memory usage of the current MDC.


In standalone mode:

display mdc resource [ cpu | disk | memory ] [ slot slot-number ]

In IRF mode:

display mdc resource [ cpu | disk | memory ] [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




cpu: Displays the CPU usage.

disk: Displays the disk space usage.

memory: Displays the memory space usage.

slot slot-number: Specifies a card. If you do not specify this option, the command displays the usage on all cards. (In standalone mode.)

chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. If you do not specify this option, the command displays the usage on all cards in the IRF fabric. (In IRF mode.)


# Display the CPU, disk space, and memory space usage of the current MDC.

<sub1> display mdc resource
Memory usage:
Slot 0 CPU 0:
Used 232.3MB, Free 263.6MB, Total 495.9MB
  ID    Name             Quota(MB)    Used(MB)    Available(MB)
  2     sub1             495.9        42.7         263.6
CPU usage:
Slot 0 CPU 0:
  ID    Name             Weight       Usage(%)
  2     sub1             10           0
Disk usage:
Slot 0 CPU 0:
flash: Used 0.7MB, Free 461.2MB, Total 461.9MB
  ID    Name             Quota(MB)    Used(MB)     Available(MB)
  2     sub1             461.9        0.1          461.2