display interface tunnel

Use display interface tunnel to display tunnel interface information.


display interface [ tunnel [ number ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






tunnel [ number ]: Specifies a tunnel interface. The number argument specifies the tunnel interface number. The specified tunnel interface must have been created. If you do not specify the tunnel keyword, this command displays information about all interfaces on the device. If you specify the tunnel keyword without the number argument, this command displays information about all existing tunnel interfaces.

brief: Displays brief interface information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays detailed interface information.

description: Displays complete interface descriptions. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays only the first 27 characters of interface descriptions.

down: Displays information about interfaces in the physical state of DOWN and the causes. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays information about interfaces in all states.


# Display detailed information about Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1
Current state: DOWN
Line protocol state: DOWN
Description: Tunnel1 Interface
Bandwidth: 64 kbps
Maximum transmission unit: 64000
Internet protocol processing: Disabled
Last clearing of counters: Never
Tunnel source unknown, destination unknown
Tunnel protocol/transport UDP_VXLAN/IP
Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops
Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops

Table 79: Command output




Information about the tunnel interface Tunnel 1.

Current state

Physical link state of the tunnel interface:

  • Administratively DOWN—The interface has been shut down by using the shutdown command.

  • DOWN—The interface is administratively up, but its physical state is down (possibly because no physical link exists or the link has failed).

  • UP—The interface is both administratively and physically up.

Line protocol state

Data link layer state of the interface. The state is determined through automatic parameter negotiation at the data link layer.

  • UP—The data link layer protocol is up.

  • UP (spoofing)—The data link layer protocol is up, but the link is an on-demand link or does not exist. This attribute is typical of null interfaces and loopback interfaces.

  • DOWN—The data link layer protocol is down.


Description of the tunnel interface.


Expected bandwidth of the tunnel interface.

Maximum transmission unit

MTU of the tunnel interface.

Internet protocol processing: Disabled

The tunnel interface is not assigned an IP address and cannot process IP packets.

Internet address

IP address of the tunnel interface. The primary attribute indicates that the address is the primary IP address.

Tunnel source

Source address of the tunnel. If a source interface is specified for the tunnel interface, this field also displays the source interface in parentheses.


Destination address of the tunnel.

Tunnel TOS

ToS of tunneled packets.

Tunnel TTL

TTL of tunneled packets.

Tunnel protocol/transport

Tunnel mode and transport protocol:

  • CR_LSP—MPLS TE tunnel mode.

  • GRE/IP—GRE/IPv4 tunnel mode.

  • GRE/IPv6—GRE/IPv6 tunnel mode.

  • GRE_EVI/IP—GRE-encapsulated IPv4 EVI tunnel mode.

  • IP/IP—IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel mode.

  • IP/IPv6—IPv4 over IPv6 tunnel mode.

  • IPv6—IPv6 tunnel mode.

  • IPv6/IP—IPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel mode.

  • IPv6/IP 6to4—IPv6 over IPv4 6to4 tunnel mode.

  • IPv6/IP ISATAP—IPv6 over IPv4 ISATAP tunnel mode.

  • UDP_VXLAN/IP—UDP-encapsulated IPv4 VXLAN tunnel mode.

Last clearing of counters

Last time when counters were cleared.

Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

Average input rate in the last 300 seconds.

Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

Average output rate in the last 300 seconds.

Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops

Total input packets, total input bytes, and total input packets dropped.

Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops

Total output packets, total output bytes, and total output packets dropped.

# Display brief information about Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1 brief
Brief information on interfaces in route mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Protocol: (s) - spoofing
Interface            Link Protocol Primary IP     Description
Tun1                 UP   UP        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

# Display brief information about Tunnel 1, including the complete interface description.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1 brief description
Brief information on interfaces in route mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Protocol: (s) - spoofing
Interface            Link Protocol Primary IP     Description
Tun1                 UP    UP        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

# Display information about interfaces in DOWN state and the causes.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel brief down
Brief information on interfaces in route mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Interface            Link Cause
Tun1                  DOWN Not connected

Table 80: Command output




Abbreviated interface name.


Physical link state of the interface:

  • UP—The interface is physically up.

  • DOWN—The interface is physically down.

  • ADM—The interface has been shut down by using the shutdown command. To restore the physical state of the interface, use the undo shutdown command.

  • Stby—The interface is a backup interface in standby state. To see the primary interface, use the display interface-backup state command.


Data link layer protocol state of the interface:

  • UP—The data link layer protocol of the interface is up.

  • DOWN—The data link layer protocol of the interface is down.

  • UP(s)—The data link layer protocol of the interface is up, but the link is an on-demand link or does not exist. The (s) attribute represents the spoofing flag. This value is typical of null interfaces and loopback interfaces.

Primary IP

Primary IP address of the interface. This field displays two hyphens (--) if the interface does not have an IP address.


Description of the interface.


Cause for the physical link state of an interface to be DOWN:

  • Administratively—The interface has been manually shut down by using the shutdown command. To restore the physical state of the interface, use the undo shutdown command.

  • Not connected—The tunnel is not established.

Related commands


interface tunnel
