display ipv6 neighbors count

Use display ipv6 neighbors count to display the number of neighbor entries.


display ipv6 neighbors { { all | dynamic | static } [ slot slot-number ] | interface interface-type interface-number | vlan vlan-id } count

display ipv6 neighbors { { all | dynamic | static } [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ] | interface interface-type interface-number | vlan vlan-id } count


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all: Displays the total number of all neighbor entries, including neighbor entries created dynamically and configured statically.

dynamic: Displays the total number of neighbor entries created dynamically.

static: Displays the total number of neighbor entries configured statically.

slot slot-number: Specifies a card by its slot number. If you do not specify a card, this command displays the number of neighbor entries for all cards. .

chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. The chassis-number argument represents the member ID of the IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. If you do not specify a card, this command displays the number of neighbor entries for all cards.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

vlan vlan-id: Displays the total number of neighbor entries in the specified VLAN. The value range for VLAN ID is 1 to 4094.


# Display the total number of neighbor entries created dynamically.

<Sysname> display ipv6 neighbors dynamic count
 Total number of dynamic entries: 2