display udp verbose

Use display udp verbose to display detailed information about UDP connections.


display udp verbose [ slot slot-number [ pcb pcb-index ] ]

display udp verbose [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number [ pcb pcb-index ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






pcb pcb-index: Displays detailed UDP connection information for the specified PCB. The value range for the pcb-index argument is 1 to 16.

slot slot-number: Specifies a card by its slot number. If you do not specify a card, this command displays detailed information about UDP connections for all cards.

chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. The chassis-number argument represents the member ID of the IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. If you do not specify a card, this command displays detailed information about UDP connections for all cards.

Usage guidelines

The detailed information includes socket creator, status, option, type, protocol number, source IP address and port number, and destination IP address and port number for UDP connections.


# Display detailed UDP connection information.

<Sysname> display udp verbose
Total UDP socket number: 1

 Location: slot: 6 cpu: 0
 Creator: sock_test_mips[250]
 State: N/A
 Options: N/A
 Error: 0
 Receiving buffer(cc/hiwat/lowat/drop/state): 0 / 41600 / 1 / 0 / N/A
 Sending buffer(cc/hiwat/lowat/state): 0 / 9216 / 512 / N/A
 Type: 2
 Protocol: 17
 Connection info: src =, dst =
 Inpcb flags: N/A
 Inpcb extflag: N/A
 Inpcb vflag: INP_IPV4
 TTL: 255(minimum TTL: 0)
 Send VRF: 0xffff
 Receive VRF: 0xffff

Table 41: Command output



Total UDP socket number

Total number of UDP sockets.


Name of the operation that created the socket. The number in brackets is the process number of the creator.


Socket state.


Socket option.


Error code.

Receiving buffer(cc/hiwat/lowat/drop/state)

Displays receive buffer information in the following order:

  • cc—Used space.

  • hiwat—Maximum space.

  • lowat—Minimum space.

  • drop—Number of dropped packets.

  • state—Buffer state:

    • CANTSENDMORE—Unable to send data to the peer.

    • CANTRCVMORE—Unable to receive data from the peer.

    • RCVATMARK—Receiving tag.

    • N/A—None of the above states.

Sending buffer(cc/hiwat/lowat/state)

Displays send buffer information in the following order:

  • cc—Used space.

  • hiwat—Maximum space.

  • lowat—Minimum space.

  • state—Buffer state:

    • CANTSENDMORE—Unable to send data to the peer.

    • CANTRCVMORE—Unable to receive data from the peer.

    • RCVATMARK—Receiving tag.

    • N/A—None of the above states.


Socket type:

  • 1SOCK_STREAM. This socket uses TCP to provide reliable transmission of byte streams.

  • 2SOCK_DGRAM. This socket uses UDP to provide datagram transmission.

  • 3SOCK_RAW. This socket allows an application to change the next upper-layer protocol header.

  • N/A—None of the above types.


Number of the protocol using the socket.

Inpcb flags

Flags in the Internet PCB:

  • INP_RECVOPTS—Receives IP options.

  • INP_RECVRETOPTS—Receives replied IP options.

  • INP_RECVDSTADDR—Receives destination IP address.

  • INP_HDRINCL—Provides the entire IP header.

  • INP_REUSEADDR—Reuses the IP address.

  • INP_REUSEPORT—Reuses the port number.

  • INP_ANONPORT—Port number not specified.

  • INP_RECVIF—Records the input interface of the packet.

  • INP_RECVTTL—Receives TTL of the packet. Only UDP and RawIP support this flag.

  • INP_DONTFRAG—Sets the Don't Fragment flag.

  • INP_ROUTER_ALERT—Receives packets with the router alert option. Only RawIP supports this flag.

  • INP_PROTOCOL_PACKET—Identifies a protocol packet.

  • INP_RCVVLANID—Receives the VLAN ID of the packet. Only UDP and RawIP support this flag.

  • INP_RCVMACADDR—Receives the MAC address of the frame.

  • INP_SNDBYLSPV—Sends through MPLS.

  • INP_RECVTOS—Receives TOS of the packet. Only UDP and RawIP support this flag.

  • INP_SYNCPCB—Waits until Internet PCB is synchronized.

  • N/A—None of the above flags.

Inpcb extflag

Extension flags in the Internet PCB:

  • INP_EXTRCVPVCIDX—Records the PVC index of the received packet.

  • INP_RCVPWID—Records the PW ID of the received packet.

  • N/A—None of the above flags.

Inpcb vflag

IP version flags in the Internet PCB:

  • INP_IPV4—IPv4 protocol.


  • INP_ONESBCAST—Sends broadcast packets.

  • INP_DROPPED—Protocol dropped flag.

  • INP_SOCKREF—Strong socket reference.

  • INP_DONTBLOCK—Do not block synchronization of the Internet PCB.

  • N/A—None of the above flags.


TTL value in the Internet PCB.

Send VRF

VRF from which packets are sent.

Receive VRF

VRF from which packets are received.