display adjacent-table

Use display adjacent-table to display IPv4 adjacency entries.


display adjacent-table { all | physical-interface interface-type interface-number | routing-interface interface-type interface-number | slot slot-number } [ count | verbose ]

display adjacent-table { all | physical-interface interface-type interface-number | routing-interface interface-type interface-number | chassis chassis-number slot slot-number } [ count | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






all: Displays all IPv4 adjacency entries.

physical-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays IPv4 adjacency entries about the specified physical interface.

routing-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays IPv4 adjacency entries about the specified routing interface.

slot slot-number: Specifies a card by its slot number. If you do not specify a card, this command displays IPv4 adjacency entries for all cards.

chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. The chassis-number argument represents the member ID of the IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. If you do not specify a card, this command displays IPv4 adjacency entries for all cards.

count: Displays the number of IPv4 adjacency entries.

verbose: Displays detailed information about IPv4 adjacency entries.


# Display detailed information about all IPv4 adjacency entries.

<Sysname> display adjacent-table all verbose
   IP address                     :
   Routing interface             : Tunnel1
   Physical interface            : Tunnel1
   Logical interface             : N/A
   Service type                   : Tunnel
   Action type                    : Forwarding
   Link media type               : P2P
   Slot                            : 0
   Cpu                             : 0
   VPN Index                       : 0
   Virtual circuit information   : N/A
   Link head information(IP)     : 4500000000000000ff2f000002020201020202020000
   Link head information(MPLS)   : 4500000000000000ff2f000002020201020202020000

# Display IPv4 adjacency entries for the specified slot.

<Sysname> display adjacent-table slot 1
IP address        Routing interface         Physical interface      Type           Tun1                      Tun1                    Tunnel

# Display the number of IPv4 adjacency entries for the specified slot.

<Sysname> display adjacent-table slot 1 count
 Total entries on slot 1: 1

Table 33: Command output



IP address

IP address of the next hop.

  • For a P2P link, the IP address of the next hop is not needed. This field displays

  • For an NBMA link, the value indicates the default adjacency entry. Packets are forwarded through the default virtual circuit.

Routing interface

Output interface of the matching route entry.

Physical interface

Physical interface of which the outgoing packets are sent out.

Logical interface

Logical interface for sending the packets. If the entry has no logical interface, this field displays N/A.

Service type/Type

Link layer protocol type, such as Tunnel, and MTunnel.

Action type

Packet processing type, Forwarding or Drop.

Link media type

Link media type.

VPN index

Index of the VPN.

Virtual circuit information

Information about the virtual circuit, such as PVC or DLCI. If the entry has no virtual circuit, this field displays N/A.

Link head information(IP)

Link layer header for IPv4.

Link head information(MPLS)

Link layer header for MPLS.