display arp

Use display arp to display ARP entries.


display arp [ [ all | dynamic | multiport | static ] [ slot slot-number ] | vlan vlan-id | interface interface-type interface-number ] [ count | verbose ]

display arp [ [ all | dynamic | multiport | static ] [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ] | vlan vlan-id | interface interface-type interface-number ] [ count | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






all: Displays all ARP entries.

dynamic: Displays dynamic ARP entries.

multiport: Displays multiport ARP entries.

static: Displays static ARP entries.

slot slot-number: Specifies a card by its slot number. If you do not specify a card, this command displays ARP entries for the active MPU.

chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. The chassis-number argument represents the member ID of the IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. If you do not specify a card, this command displays ARP entries for the global active MPU.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN by its VLAN ID. The VLAN ID is in the range of 1 to 4094.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays ARP entries for all interfaces.

count: Displays the number of ARP entries.

verbose: Displays detailed information about ARP entries.

Usage guidelines

This command displays information about ARP entries, including the IP address, MAC address, VLAN ID, output interface, entry type, and aging timer.


# Display all ARP entries.

<Sysname> display arp all
  Type: S-Static   D-Dynamic   O-Openflow   R-Rule   M-Multiport  I-Invalid
IP Address       MAC Address     VID     Interface/Link ID      Aging Type          02e0-f102-0023  1       XGE1/0/1               N/A   S          00e0-fc00-0001  12      XGE1/0/2               16    D          00e0-fe50-6503  12      Tunnel1                960   D          000d-88f7-9f7d  12      0x1                    960   D

# Display detailed information about all ARP entries.

<Sysname> display arp all verbose
  Type: S-Static   D-Dynamic   O-Openflow   R-Rule   M-Multiport  I-Invalid
IP Address       :          VID : 1           Aging   : 960 sec
MAC Address      : 02e0-f102-0023   Type: S           Nickname: 0x0000
Interface/Link ID: 
VPN Instance     : [No Vrf] 
VXLAN ID         : N/A
VSI Name         : N/A
VSI Interface    : N/A

IP Address       :          VID : 12          Aging   : 960 sec
MAC Address      : 0015-e944-adc5   Type: D           Nickname: 0x0000
Interface/Link ID: 
VPN Instance     : [No Vrf] 
VXLAN ID         : N/A
VSI Name         : N/A
VSI Interface    : N/A

IP Address       :         VID : 12          Aging   : 960 sec
MAC Address      : 0013-1234-0001  Type: D           Nickname: 0x0000
Interface/Link ID: Tunnel1
VPN Instance     : [No Vrf] 
VXLAN ID         : N/A
VSI Name         : vpna
VSI Interface    : Vsi1

IP Address       :         VID : 12          Aging   : 960 sec
MAC Address      : 0012-1234-0002  Type: D           Nickname: 0x0000
Interface/Link ID: 0x1
VPN Instance     : [No Vrf] 
VXLAN ID         : N/A
VSI Name         : vpna 
VSI Interface    : Vsi1

# Display the number of all ARP entries.

<Sysname> display arp all count
 Total number of entries : 4

Table 1: Command output



IP Address

IP address in an ARP entry.

MAC Address

MAC address in an ARP entry.


ID of the VLAN or index of the VSI to which the ARP entry belongs. This field displays N/A in either of the following situations:

  • The ARP entry is an unresolved short static ARP entry.

  • The output interface of the ARP entry does not belong to the VLAN or VSI.

Interface/Link ID

Output interface or the link ID in an ARP entry. This field displays N/A in either of the following situations:

  • The ARP entry is an unresolved short static ARP entry.

  • The ARP entry is a multiport ARP entry and has no output interface information.To obtain the output interface information of the multiport ARP entry, look up the MAC address table according to the MAC address in the ARP entry.


Aging time for an ARP entry in seconds.

For a static ARP entry, this field always displays N/A. The static ARP entry never ages out unless you delete it manually.

For a dynamic ARP entry, this field displays N/A if the aging time is unknown.


ARP entry type:

  • D—Dynamic.

  • S—Static.

  • O—OpenFlow.

  • R—Rule.

  • M—Multiport.

  • I—Invalid.


Nickname of the ARP entry. The nickname is a string of four hexadecimal numbers, for example, 012a. For more information about the nickname, see TRILL Configuration Guide.

VPN Instance

Name of VPN instance. If no VPN instance is configured for the ARP entry, this field displays [No Vrf].


ID of the VXLAN to which the ARP entry belongs. VXLAN ID is also called VNI. If the ARP entry does not belong to any VXLAN, this field displays N/A.

VSI Name

Name of the VSI to which the ARP entry belongs. If the ARP entry does not belong to any VSI, this field displays N/A.

VSI Interface

Name of the gateway interface of the VSI. If no gateway interface is specified for the VSI, this field displays N/A.

Total number of entries

Number of ARP entries.

Related commands

arp static

reset arp