Backing up a controller team
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#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2013 Hewlett Packard Co., All Rights Reserved. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Backup a Team #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export BACKUP_DIR="/opt/sdn/backup" export BACKUP_TEAM_DIR="/opt/sdn/team_backup" export TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE="$BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/teamBackup_status" export TEAM_BACKUP_LOGFILE="$BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/teamBackup_log.log" export BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT=200 # this * 10 = seconds to wait for backup to finish export B_PID=$$ trap "exit 1" TERM #============================================================================== # F U N C T I O N S #============================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function validateTeamLead ( ) # Validates configured node IP against the team leader IP. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validateTeamLead { leaderIp='ifconfig|grep -o $leaderIp' if [ "$leaderIp" == "" ]; then teamBackup_log "Run this script from the team lead node." exitBackup 1 fi teamBackup_log "Leader node IP $leaderIp is correctly configured." } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function validateTeamBackupStatus ( ) # Checks if a new backup can be started. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validateTeamBackupStatus { TEAM_BACKUP_ON="backup_in_progress=true" # Check if any backup is going on now. if [ -e "$TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE" ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup status file $TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE exists." backupStatus='cat $TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE' if [ "$backupStatus" == "$TEAM_BACKUP_ON" ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup already in progress, aborting new backup..." exitBackup 1 fi fi rm -rf $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR mkdir $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR chmod 777 $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR echo $TEAM_BACKUP_ON>$TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE teamBackup_log "No backup is currently in progress. A new backup can start." } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function backupNode ( <nodeIndex> ) # Backs up a node. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function backupNode { local nodeIndex=$1 local backupToken=${nodeAuth[$nodeIndex]} local backupIp=${ipArr[$nodeIndex]} local backupUUID=${nodeUUID[$nodeIndex]} backupURL="https://$backupIp:8443/sdn/v2.0/backup post $backupIp $backupToken "$backupURL" if [ $errorCode -ne 0 ]; then teamBackup_log "Failed to start backup for $backupIp." exitBackup 1 fi if [ "$sessionID" == "" ]; then teamBackup_log "Failed to start backup on $backupIp." exitBackup 1 fi echo $sessionID } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function downloadBackupSet ( <nodeIndex> ) # Downloads the backup file from each node to the team leader node, verifying the checkum. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function downloadBackupSet { local nodeIndex=$1 local backupAuth=${nodeAuth[$nodeIndex]} local backupIp=${ipArr[$nodeIndex]} local backupUUID=${nodeUUID[$nodeIndex]} local fileName="" if [ "$backupIp" == "$leaderIp" ]; then fileName="$BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_controller_backup_$" else fileName="$BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_controller_backup_$" fi backupUrl="https://$backupIp:8443/sdn/v2.0/backup" 'get $backupIp $backupAuth $backupUrl > $fileName' expected='get $nodeIP "v2.0/backup/checksum"' actual=$(sha256sum "$fileName" | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [ "$expected" != "$actual" ]; then echo "Checksum failure: expected $expected but got $actual." exitBackup 1 fi teamBackup_log "Successfully copied backup MD5 file from $backupIp." }
} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function verifyBackupStatus ( <nodeIndex> ) # Verifies the success of the backup. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function verifyBackupStatus { local nodeIndex=$1 local backupIP=${ipArr[$nodeIndex]} local backupUrl="https://$backupIP:8443/sdn/v2.0/backup/status" backupStatus[$nodeIndex]='get $backupIP ${nodeAuth[$nodeIndex]} $backupUrl' if [ "${backupStatus[$nodeIndex]}" == "SUCCESS" ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup completed successfully on $backupIP." let "backup_complete = $backup_complete - 1" return fi }
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function teamBackupZip ( ) # Creates a single zip for all the team backup data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function teamBackupZip { teamZip='date|tr ' ' '_'|tr ':' '_'' teamZip="$BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_team_backup_$" rm -rf $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_team_backup* $TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE zip -r $teamZip $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/ rm -rf $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_controller_backup* } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function remoteBackupFileCopy ( ) # Copies the team backup zip to the specified remote location. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function remoteBackupFileCopy { if [ "$remotePath" == "" ]; then teamBackup_log "Team backup data was not copied to the remote location." return fi teamBackup_log "Copying team backup to the remote location $remotePath..." scp $BACKUP_TEAM_DIR/sdn_team_backup* $remotePath } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function getSysInfo ( <authToken> ) # Gets the SysInformation for the running node. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getSysInfo { local leadAuth=$1 local sysUrl="https://localhost:8443/sdn/v2.0/systems" for i in {1..5}; do sysInfo='get localhost $leadAuth "$sysUrl"' if [ $errorCode -ne 0 ]; then teamBackup_log "Failed to retrieve the system information." exitBackup 1 fi [ "$sysInfo" != "" ] && break sleep 5 done if [ "$sysInfo" == "" ]; then teamBackup_log "Failed to retrieve the system information." exitBackup 1 fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function extractRole_NodeIP ( <systemInfo>) # Extracts IP and role for all the nodes in a team. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function extractRole_NodeIP { sysinfo=$1 ipArr=($(echo $sysinfo|tr -d '"'| tr -d '['|tr -d ']'| sed -e 's/\,/\n/g'| grep -w "ip"| cut -d ':' -f2-)) roleArr=($(echo $sysinfo|tr -d '"'| tr -d '['|tr -d ']'| sed -e 's/\,/\n/g'| grep -w "role"| cut -d ':' -f2-)) numNodes=${#ipArr[@]} teamBackup_log "Number of nodes in the team is $numNodes." for (( i=0; i<=$numNodes; i++ )); do if [ "${roleArr[$i]}" == "leader" ]; then leaderIp=${ipArr[$i]} teamBackup_log "The team leader is $leaderIp." break fi done } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function teamBackup_log ( <message> ) # Writes messages to the log for the team backup operation. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function teamBackup_log { msg="$1" echo "$msg" |tee -a $TEAM_BACKUP_LOGFILE } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function exitBackup ( <exitStatus> ) # Exits the backup. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function exitBackup { [ $1 -ne 0 ] && teamBackup_log "Stopping backup/restore with errors." rm -rf $TEAM_BACKUP_STATUS_FILE kill -s TERM $B_PID exit $1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function get ( <ipAddr> <authToken> <url> ) # Performs a GET. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function get { local getIP=$1 local getToken=$2 local getUrl=$3 local attempts=0 while [ $attempts -lt 5 ]; do curl --noproxy $getIP --header "X-Auth-Token:$getToken" \ --fail -ksS -L -f --request GET --url "$getUrl" errorCode=$? let "attempts = $attempts + 1" if [ 35 -eq $errorCode ]; then teamBackup_log "SSL error on GET of $getUrl, retrying..." continue; fi break; done } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function post ( <ipAddr> <authToken> <url> <data>) # Performs a POST of the specified data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function post { local postIP=$1 local postToken=$2 local postUrl=$3 local postData=$4 local attempts=0 while [ $attempts -lt 5 ]; do postRes='curl --noproxy $postIP --header "X-Auth-Token:$postToken" \ --fail -ksS --request POST --url "$postUrl" --data-binary "$postData"' errorCode=$? let "attempts = $attempts + 1" if [ 35 -eq $errorCode ]; then teamBackup_log "SSL error on POST to $postUrl, retrying..." continue; fi break; done echo $postRes } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function put ( <ipAddr> <authToken> <url> <data> ) # Performs a PUT of the specified data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function put { local putIP=$1 local putToken=$2 local putUrl=$3 local putData=$4 local attempts=0 while [ $attempts -lt 5 ]; do putRes='curl --noproxy $putIP --header "X-Auth-Token:$putToken" \ --fail -ksS -L -f --request PUT "$putUrl" --data-binary "$putData"' errorCode=$? let "attempts = $attempts + 1" if [ 35 -eq $errorCode ]; then teamBackup_log "SSL error on POST to $putUrl, retrying" continue; fi break; done echo $putRes } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function extractJSONString ( <json> <fieldName> ) # Extracts the Json value corresponding to the field name. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function extractJSONString { json=$1 field=$2 json='echo $json|tr -d '"'| sed -e 's/\,\|{/\n/g'|grep -w "$field"| \ cut -d ':' -f2-' echo $json } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function getAuthToken ( <ipAddr> ) # Log-in and get the UID. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getAuthToken { local nodeIP=$1 url="https://$nodeIP:8443/sdn/v2.0/auth" login="{ \"login\": { \"domain\": \"$domain\", \"user\": \"$user\", \"password\": \"$pass\" } }" # Attempt to authenticate and extract token if successful. auth=$(curl --noproxy $nodeIP -X POST --fail -ksSfL --url "$url" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "$login" 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then teamBackup_log "Unable to authenticate as user $user in $domain domain." exitBackup 1 fi authToken='extractJSONString "$auth" "token" | sed '/^$/d'' if [ $restore_mode -ne 1 ] && [ "$authToken" == "" ]; then teamBackup_log "Failed to get the authentication token." exitBackup 1 fi echo $authToken } #============================================================================== # M A I N #============================================================================== restore_mode=0 # Check for zip package. command -v zip &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The zip package must be installed to use this script." exit 1 fi # Check the user specified script parameters. if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Usage : backupTeam <user> <domain> [<user@ip:path>]" echo " <user> - user name to access the controller" echo " <domain> - domain of the controller" echo " [<user@ip:path>] - remote location to store backup file" echo " user - the login name for the system" echo " ip - the ip address of the system" echo " path - where to copy the file to on the remote system" exit 1 fi validateTeamBackupStatus user="$1" echo -n "Enter Controller Password: " read -s pass echo domain="$2" remotePath=$3 errorCode=0 # Get the authentication token for the local controller. leaderAuth='getAuthToken localhost' # Get the system Information for the local controller. getSysInfo $leaderAuth # Get the set of team IPs and their associated team roles. extractRole_NodeIP $sysInfo (validateTeamLead) # Initiate a backup on each node. for (( i=0; i<$numNodes; i++ )); do nodeAuth[$i]='getAuthToken ${ipArr[$i]}' uuidURL="https://${ipArr[$i]}:8443/sdn/v2.0/systems" nodeUUID[$i]='get ${ipArr[$i]} ${nodeAuth[$i]} "$uuidURL?ip=${ipArr[$i]}"' nodeUUID[$i]='extractJSONString "${nodeUUID[$i]}" "uid" | sed '/^$/d'' if [ "${ipArr[$i]}" == "$leaderIp" ]; then # Skip the leader backup backup, since it will be done last. leaderIndex=$i continue fi backupNode $i teamBackup_log "Started backup on ${ipArr[$i]}."
done # Verify the status of the backup on each node. backup_complete=$numNodes waitTime=$(($BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT*10/60)) for (( k=0; k<$BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT; k++ )); do if [ $backup_complete -le 1 ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup on all member nodes completed successfully." break fi sleep 10 for (( i=0; i<$numNodes; i++ )); do # Skip the leader node check, since it will be done last. [ "${ipArr[$i]}" == "$leaderIp" ] && continue # Backup already completed for this node, so continue. [ "${backupStatus[$i]}" == "SUCCESS" ] && continue verifyBackupStatus $i done done if [ $backup_complete -gt 1 ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup of all member nodes took longer than $waitTime min. Aborting backup..." teamBackup_log "To increase backup wait time, change BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT in the script." exitBackup 1 fi # Last, backup the leader node to avoid synchronization issues on a restore. backupNode $leaderIndex teamBackup_log "Started backup on leader ${ipArr[$leaderIndex]}." backup_complete=1
# Verify the backup on the leader node. for (( k=0; k<$BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT; k++ )); do sleep 10 verifyBackupStatus $leaderIndex if [ $backup_complete -le 0 ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup on the leader node completed successfully." break fi done if [ $backup_complete -gt 0 ]; then teamBackup_log "Backup of the leader node took longer than $waitTime min. Aborting backup..." teamBackup_log "To increase backup wait time, change BACKUP_WAIT_COUNT in the script." exitBackup 1 fi # Copy all the backup files from each node in the team onto the leader node. for (( i=0; i<$numNodes; i++ )); do downloadBackupSet $i done # Create one zip for entire team and copy it to the specified remote location. teamBackupZip remoteBackupFileCopy echo teamBackup_log "The team was backed up successfully." exitBackup 0