See: Description
Package | Description |
com.hp.api |
Basic building blocks for constructing APIs.
com.hp.api.auth |
Token-based authentication service facade.
| |
Security context settings.
com.hp.sdn |
Definitions of domain model and related general constructs which are
applicable to multiple tiers and software layers of the SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.alert |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to the Alerts.
| |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to applications.
com.hp.sdn.auditlog |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to the Audit Logs.
com.hp.sdn.auth |
com.hp.sdn.backup |
com.hp.sdn.common |
Definitions of general services applicable to multiple tiers of the
SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.config |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to configuration.
com.hp.sdn.device |
API for accessing & supplying information about network infrastructure devices.
com.hp.sdn.devown |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to device ownership.
com.hp.sdn.diag |
Definitions of the path diagnostic service.
com.hp.sdn.disco.of.device |
OpenFlow Device Discovery
com.hp.sdn.driver | |
com.hp.sdn.dvc |
Device Management
com.hp.sdn.dvc.dao |
Device Key persistence and teaming
com.hp.sdn.dvc.facet |
Device Driver Facet interfaces
com.hp.sdn.event | |
com.hp.sdn.flow |
API for sending & retrieving flow rules and flow statistics.
com.hp.sdn.json |
JSON codecs registry for SDN-related entities.
com.hp.sdn.license |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to the Licenses.
| |
API for accessing & supplying information about network infrastructure links.
com.hp.sdn.log |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to log entries.
com.hp.sdn.metric |
Fundamental classes for the SDN core controller metering framework,
including the classes for various metric types that may be obtained from
the framework.
com.hp.sdn.misc |
Miscellaneous SDN-specific utilities and auxiliaries for use as part
of implementations in either tier; entities provided within cannot not
be used as part of the mutual interface between the tiers however.
com.hp.sdn.model |
Base abstractions used in consuming & producing Network information model.
com.hp.sdn.node |
API for accessing & supplying information about network end-stations.
com.hp.sdn.path |
API for selecting & paving paths between nodes and devices.
com.hp.sdn.region |
com.hp.sdn.supplier |
Network information model supplier concepts.
| |
Support services and concepts available to all modules.
com.hp.sdn.system |
Definitions of the domain model pertaining to the SDN Controller system.
com.hp.sdn.teamcs |
com.hp.sdn.teaming |
Teaming services and concepts.
com.hp.sdn.topo |
API for retrieving information about network topology & connectivity.
com.hp.sdn.trace |
Provide interface for accessing trace level data from the OpenFlow Controller
com.hp.sdn.tvue |
Topology viewer API & domain model definitions.
com.hp.sdn.version |
Controller software version information.
com.hp.sdn.vni |
Service for reserving and un-reserving VNIs.
Package | Description |
com.hp.license |
Set of abstractions for implementing licensing mechanism.
com.hp.sdn.adm |
Definitions of the domain model and services specific to the
Administrator tier of the SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.adm.alert |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the Alert system.
| |
Definitions of the services pertaining to Application Management.
com.hp.sdn.adm.auditlog |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the Audit Log system.
com.hp.sdn.adm.backup |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the Backup system.
com.hp.sdn.adm.common.converter |
Utility classes to do conversions.
com.hp.sdn.adm.config |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the Config system.
com.hp.sdn.adm.dao |
Definitions of data access services for persisting and retrieving
information applicable at the Administrator tier of the SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.adm.dao.model |
Model POJOs implementations used to persist and retrieve information
applicable at the Administrator tier of the SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.adm.devown |
Definitions of the services pertaining to device ownership.
com.hp.sdn.adm.hpws |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the HPWS (AppStore) install service.
com.hp.sdn.adm.json |
Implementations of Core Services JSON factory and associated codecs.
com.hp.sdn.adm.license |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the License system.
com.hp.sdn.adm.log |
Definitions of the services pertaining to the Logging system.
com.hp.sdn.adm.metric |
Definitions of services pertaining to the SDN core controller metering
com.hp.sdn.adm.rsdoc |
Services for registering and tracking various REST API documentation
com.hp.sdn.adm.system |
Definitions of services pertaining to the SDN Controller system and its
com.hp.sdn.adm.web |
Web resource catalogue service definitions.
com.hp.sdn.api |
Definitions of services for driving outbound external communications for
interacting with peers and integrating with other external applications,
com.hp.sdn.dao.model |
Model POJOs implementations used to persist and retrieve information.
Package | Description |
com.hp.of | |
com.hp.of.common |
Code shared by the OpenFlow Controller and Mock OpenFlow Switch
com.hp.of.ctl |
Public API for the OpenFlow Controller.
com.hp.of.ctl.flow |
Public API for the OpenFlow Flow Manager.
com.hp.of.ctl.pipeline |
Definitions for conveying OpenFlow switch pipeline definitions and capabilities.
com.hp.of.ctl.pkt |
Public API for the OpenFlow Packet Sequencer and participating
Packet Listeners.
com.hp.of.ctl.prio |
Definitions of a flow class priority broker mechanism, which provides means
to avoid specifying absolute flow-mod priorities and replacing them with
relative ones.
com.hp.of.json |
JSON factory and codecs for Openflow structures.
com.hp.of.lib |
OpenFlow Protocol Library.
com.hp.of.lib.dt |
A set of classes representing data values used in the OpenFlow protocol.
com.hp.of.lib.err |
OpenFlow Error Type enumerations.
com.hp.of.lib.instr |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Instructions and Actions.
com.hp.of.lib.match |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Match Structures.
| |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Multipart Message bodies.
com.hp.of.lib.msg |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Messages.
com.hp.of.sw |
Provides mock implementations of OpenFlow switches.
com.hp.of.sw.misc | |
com.hp.sdn.ctl.diag |
Model objects for path diagnostic application.
com.hp.sdn.ctl.json |
com.hp.util.pkt |
Network packet parsing library.
Package | Description |
com.hp.sdn.flowmgr |
Deprecated Definitions of the services provided by the Flow Manager Application.
Package | Description |
com.hp.device |
Specifications for various aspects device modeling and device driver development.
com.hp.keystone |
Implementation of AuthenticationService using HTTP against a Keystone Server instance.
com.hp.nbio |
Network buffered I/O facilities to create high-performance asynchronous network channels using Java NIO.
com.hp.util |
Generic utility classes.
com.hp.util.bcrypt |
Damien Miller's implementation of OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" byNiels Provos and David Mazieres.
com.hp.util.cache |
Classes facilitating the implementation of Weak Value Caches.
com.hp.util.codec |
Collection of facilities to transform data structures to some string encodement andback again, to support the persistence of those data structures.
com.hp.util.concurrent |
Package which provides utility classes to deal with concurrency.
com.hp.util.dao |
Definitions of interfaces and utility class for managing interactions to the persistence layer.
com.hp.util.dao.query |
Basic database queries that utilize a data access object.
com.hp.util.dcord |
Distributed Coordination Service API.
com.hp.util.dcord.configuration |
Distributed Coordination Service Configuration.
com.hp.util.dcord.election |
Authority that determines whether the local node is eligible for election.
com.hp.util.dcord.hazelcast |
Distributed Coordination Service implementation using Hazelcast as the underlying technoligy.
com.hp.util.dcord.peer |
Peer Monitor Service.
com.hp.util.event |
Generic service for asynchronous event dispatch.
com.hp.util.filter |
Classes providing conditions that can be applied to construct the desired filter.
com.hp.util.format |
Set of interfaces and utilities to perform token substitution within a String.
| |
A facility for representing health status, where health is comprisedof a set of categories, each of which can report their individual state.
com.hp.util.ip |
A set of classes representing data values in the network management domain.
com.hp.util.json |
Collection of facilities to transform POJOs into JSON and vice versa.
| |
Utilities for producing and consuming length-prefixed messages using input andoutput streams.
| |
Building blocks for creating extensible, network-spanning, asynchronousmessage protocols.
| |
Abstraction of the observer pattern.
com.hp.util.perf.api |
External API for performance instrumentation.
com.hp.util.perf.controller |
Controller logics for performance instrumentation.
com.hp.util.perf.model |
Data model for performance instrumentation.
com.hp.util.persistence |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.entitymgr |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.entitymgr.column |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.entitymgr.wal |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.index |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.lockmgr |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.query |
com.hp.util.persistence.cassandra.snapshotmgr |
com.hp.util.persistence.exceptions |
com.hp.util.pgen |
Utility for template-driven generation of project source directories and files; it supports property and environment variable substitutions.
com.hp.util.proxy |
Classes providing dynamic proxy creation capabilities.
| |
Modules providing facilities for building JAX-RS (REST) interfaces.
| |
General purpose token authentication servlet filter and JAX-RS authentication enforcement filter.
| |
Generic request rate limiter mechanism applicable, among other uses, for REST request throttling.
| |
HP security-related utilities
com.hp.util.serializer |
Classes providing serialization utilities.
com.hp.util.snmp |
Package for holding SNMP library.
com.hp.util.snmp.command |
Various SNMP command representations and related codecs.
com.hp.util.snmp.constants |
Package for holding SNMP MIB constants (auto generated code).
com.hp.util.sql |
A set of building blocks to facilitate the construction of SQL statements.
com.hp.util.syntax |
Collection of facilities to translate a set of command-line arguments into amap of name-to-object bindings, using an XML-encoded set of syntaxdefinitions.
com.hp.util.syntax.parsers |
Set of interfaces and several built-in implementations for parsers andconstraints which define a framework for extension of the command-line parsingframework.
com.hp.util.syntax.usage |
Utilities to auto-generage command-line usage strings, help and manual page contents based on the XML syntax definitions of command-line syntax.
com.hp.util.test |
Production code hooks to support unit testing from external packages.
com.hp.util.tuple |
Classes providing tuples: Intuitive notion of an ordered list of elements.
com.hp.util.type |
Classes providing object value types.
com.hp.util.version |
Building blocks for representing information about a project's builds,release candidates, release versions and the like.
Package | Description |
com.hp.ds.graph |
Various graph abstractions and algorithms for graph traversal & search, e.g.
com.hp.ds.heap |
Simple fixed-sized heap implementation.
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