Interface | Description |
Protocol |
A network protocol (immutable).
ProtocolData |
A network protocol's data (mutable).
ProtocolEnum |
Interface implemented by all protocol enumerations to provide code.
Class | Description |
Arp |
ARP data store (immutable) and associated
Arp.Builder (mutable). |
Arp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Bddp |
BDDP data store (immutable) and associated
Lldp.Builder (mutable). |
Codec |
This is the main encoding and decoding API for the Packet Library.
Dhcp |
DHCP data store (immutable) add associated
Dhcp.Builder (mutable). |
Dhcp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
DhcpOption |
DHCP option data store (immutable).
DhcpOptionV6 |
DHCPv6 option data store (immutable).
DhcpV6 |
DHCPv6 data store (immutable) add associated
DhcpV6.Builder (mutable). |
DhcpV6.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create a new protocol instances.
Dns |
DNS Payload (immutable) and its associated Builder to create DNS requests and
Dns.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Dns.MxData |
DNS "MX" resource data (immutable).
Dns.NextSecData |
DNS "NextSECure" resource data (immutable).
Dns.Record |
DNS record data store (immutable).
Dns.ResRecord<T> |
DNS resource record data store (immutable).
Dns.SigData |
DNS "Signature" resource data (immutable).
Dns.SoaData |
DNS "Start Of Authority" resource data (immutable).
Ethernet |
Ethernet data store (immutable) and associated
Ethernet.Builder (mutable). |
Ethernet.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Ethernet.SnapId |
SNAP ID (vendor and local) data store (immutable).
Gre |
GRE data store (immutable) and associated
Gre.Builder (mutable). |
Gre.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Icmp |
ICMPv4 data store (immutable) and associated
Icmp.Builder (mutable). |
Icmp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
IcmpOptionV6 |
ICMPv6 option data store (immutable).
IcmpV6 |
ICMPv6 data store (immutable) and associated
IcmpV6.Builder (mutable). |
IcmpV6.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
IcmpV6.NeighborAdvertiseData |
Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement data store (immutable).
IcmpV6.NeighborSolicitData |
Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Solicitation data store (immutable).
IcmpV6.RedirectData |
Neighbor Discovery - Redirect message data store (immutable).
IcmpV6.RouterAdvertiseData |
Neighbor Discovery - Router Advertisement data store (immutable).
Ip |
IPv4 data store (immutable) and associated
Ip.Builder (mutable). |
Ip.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
IpV6 |
IPv6 data store (immutable) and associated
IpV6.Builder (mutable). |
IpV6.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
IpV6.Option |
IPv6 option data store (immutable).
Lldp |
LLDP data store (immutable) and associated
Lldp.Builder (mutable). |
Lldp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
LldpTlv |
LLDP Type-Length-Value data store (immutable).
LldpTlv.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create a new instances.
LldpTlv.PrivateBuilder |
PrivateBuilder (mutable) used to create a new instances.
Mpls |
MPLS data store (immutable) and associated
Mpls.Builder (mutable). |
Mpls.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Mpls.Header |
MPLS label switching header (immutable).
Packet |
Packet (immutable) contains a list of protocol layers.
PacketReader |
Wraps a
ByteBuffer and provides methods to read rich data types
from it. |
PacketWriter |
Wraps a
ByteBuffer and provides methods to write rich data types
into it. |
PppEthernet |
PPP-over-Ethernet data store (immutable) and associated
(mutable). |
PppEthernet.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Sctp |
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) data store (immutable) and
Sctp.Builder (mutable). |
Sctp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Sctp.Chunk |
Chunk data store (immutable).
Tcp |
TCP data store (immutable) and associated
Tcp.Builder (mutable). |
Tcp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Udp |
UDP data store (immutable) and associated
Udp.Builder (mutable). |
Udp.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
UnknownProtocol |
Unknown protocol (immutable) used to represent payload that we don't
currently support.
UnknownProtocol.Builder |
Builder (mutable) used to create new protocol instances.
Enum | Description |
Arp.OpCode |
Operation code.
Dhcp.Flag |
Flags (bitmask enumeration).
Dhcp.OpCode |
Operation codes.
DhcpOption.Code |
Option codes (used in messages types, request params, ...).
DhcpOption.MessageType |
Message types.
DhcpOptionV6.Type |
Option types.
DhcpV6.MessageType |
DHCPv6 Message types.
Dns.ClassType |
DNS class type codes.
Dns.OpCode |
Operation codes set by originator of a request (copied to response).
Dns.RecordType |
Record types.
Dns.ResponseCode |
Response codes.
Dns.SigData.Algorithm |
Algorithm types.
Ethernet.Control |
Control types.
Ethernet.Dsap |
Destination service access point types.
Ethernet.Ssap |
Source service access point types.
Ethernet.VlanPriority |
VLAN Priorities.
HardwareType |
Hardware types (used in ARP, DHCP, ...).
IcmpOptionV6.Type |
ICMPv6 option types.
IcmpTypeCode |
ICMPv4 Message type (high byte) and code (low byte) combinations.
IcmpTypeCodeV6 |
ICMPv6 Message type (high byte) and code (low byte) combinations.
IpTosDsfc |
IP TOS Differentiated Services Field Codepoints (DSFC) types.
IpTosEcn |
IP TOS Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) types.
IpType |
IPv4 and IPv6 protocol types.
IpVersion |
IP versions.
LldpTlv.Capability |
Capabilities (bitmask enumeration).
LldpTlv.ChassisIdSubType |
Chassis ID sub-types.
LldpTlv.PortIdSubType |
Port ID sub-types.
LldpTlv.Type |
Main TLV types.
PppEthernet.Code |
Code types.
PppEthernet.PppProtocolId |
PPP protocol IDs.
ProtocolId |
A network protocol key used to identify protocol classes.
Sctp.CheckSumType |
Checksum type needed during encoding.
Sctp.Chunk.Type |
Chunk types.
Exception | Description |
ProtocolException |
Exception thrown when a protocol's data violates some constraint or there
is a encoder error (i.e.
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