Package | Description |
com.hp.of.json |
JSON factory and codecs for Openflow structures.
com.hp.of.lib.dt |
A set of classes representing data values used in the OpenFlow protocol.
com.hp.of.lib.instr |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Instructions and Actions.
com.hp.of.lib.match |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Match Structures.
com.hp.of.lib.msg |
Representations of OpenFlow Protocol Messages.
com.hp.sdn.adm.dao.model |
Model POJOs implementations used to persist and retrieve information
applicable at the Administrator tier of the SDN Controller.
com.hp.sdn.dvc.facet |
Device Driver Facet interfaces
com.hp.sdn.model |
Base abstractions used in consuming & producing Network information model.
com.hp.sdn.node |
API for accessing & supplying information about network end-stations.
com.hp.sdn.region |
com.hp.util.ip |
A set of classes representing data values in the network management domain.
com.hp.util.pkt |
Network packet parsing library.
com.hp.util.snmp |
Package for holding SNMP library.
com.hp.util.snmp.command |
Various SNMP command representations and related codecs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MacAddress |
CodecUtils.decodeMac(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode value)
Converts JsonNode into MacAddress object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
CodecUtils.encodeMac(MacAddress mac)
Converts MacAddress into String that can be used as a JSON value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DataPathId |
DataPathId.valueOf(VId vid,
MacAddress mac)
Returns a datapath ID instance that encapsulates the given
virtual identifier and MAC address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Action |
ActionFactory.createActionSetField(ProtocolVersion pv,
OxmBasicFieldType ft,
MacAddress mac)
Creates a set-field action for a mac-address-based match field,
using the given protocol version.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address.
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address mask.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MFieldBasic |
FieldFactory.createBasicField(ProtocolVersion pv,
OxmBasicFieldType ft,
MacAddress mac)
Creates a basic match field for a mac-address-based match field
without a mask.
static MFieldBasic |
FieldFactory.createBasicField(ProtocolVersion pv,
OxmBasicFieldType ft,
MacAddress mac,
MacAddress mask)
Creates a basic match field for a mac-address-based match field
with a mask.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address for the port; Since 1.0.
MacAddress |
Returns the hardware address; Since 1.0.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OfmMutablePortMod |
OfmMutablePortMod.hwAddress(MacAddress hwAddress)
Sets the hardware address to sanity check against; Since 1.0.
MutablePort |
MutablePort.hwAddress(MacAddress hwAddress)
Sets the hardware address for this port; Since 1.0.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
InterfaceEntity.mac() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
InterfaceEntity.mac(MacAddress mac) |
Constructor and Description |
InterfaceEntity(InterfaceId id,
IfType type,
String name,
ElementId hostedBy,
ElementId realizedByElement,
InterfaceId realizedByInterface,
MacAddress mac,
Set<Interface.State> state,
Set<IpAddress> ips) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<MacAddress> |
VxlanHandler.getMacAddresses(TunnelIndex tunnelIndex,
Vni vni)
Gets the set of remote MAC addresses configured on the specified tunnel/VNI; facilitates static learning.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VxlanHandler.addMacAddresses(TunnelIndex tunnelIndex,
Vni vni,
Set<MacAddress> macAddresses)
Adds the given set of remote MAC addresses to the specified tunnel/VNI; facilitates static learning.
void |
VxlanHandler.removeMacAddresses(TunnelIndex tunnelIndex,
Vni vni,
Set<MacAddress> macAddresses)
Removes the given set of remote MAC addresses from the specified tunnel/VNI; facilitates static learning.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address of this node.
MacAddress |
Returns the node's MAC address.
MacAddress |
DefaultNodeInfo.mac() |
MacAddress |
DefaultInterfaceInfo.mac() |
MacAddress |
DefaultNode.mac() |
MacAddress |
Optional Interface/port physical address.
MacAddress |
Optional Interface/port physical address.
MacAddress |
DefaultInterface.mac() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DefaultNodeInfo |
DefaultNodeInfo.mac(MacAddress mac)
Modifies the current info by specifying the node MAC address.
DefaultInterfaceInfo |
DefaultInterfaceInfo.mac(MacAddress mac)
Modify the interface mac address
DefaultNode |
DefaultNode.setMac(MacAddress mac)
Sets the node MAC address.
Constructor and Description |
DefaultNode(NodeId id,
SupplierId supplierId,
Interface netIntf,
MacAddress mac,
NodeLocation loc,
long timeout)
Constructs a node with the given parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Node> |
NodeServiceAdapter.getNodes(MacAddress mac,
SegmentId segId) |
Set<Node> |
NodeService.getNodes(MacAddress mac,
SegmentId segmentId)
Returns all nodes in the domain with a given MAC address.
DefaultNodeFilter |
DefaultNodeFilter.mac(MacAddress mac)
Modifies the current filter to match nodes with the given MAC.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Retrieves the Mac address of the entity
MacAddress |
Returns the mac.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ControlledEntityModel.setMacAddress(MacAddress macAddress)
Assigns the given mac to this controlled entity.
Constructor and Description |
ControlledEntityModel(IpAddress ipp,
MacAddress mc)
Creates a ControledEntity instance.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MacAddress |
The broadcast address, that is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff.
static MacAddress |
The multicast destination address for discovery packets./
static MacAddress |
The link local address ending in 00, that is 01:80:c2:00:00:00.
static MacAddress |
The link local address ending in 03, that is 01:80:c2:00:00:03.
static MacAddress |
The link local address ending in 0E, that is 01:80:c2:00:00:0e.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
MacRange.first() |
static MacAddress |
MacUtils.getRepeatedByteMacAddress(int seed)
Returns a MAC address where all the bytes are set to the
specified seed value.
MacAddress |
MacRange.last() |
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.mac(byte[] bytes)
Convenience method that simply delegates to
valueOf(byte[]) . |
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.mac(long encodedAddress)
Convenience method that simply delegates to
valueOf(long) . |
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.mac(String address)
Convenience method that simply delegates to
valueOf(String) . |
MacAddress |
MacRange.random() |
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.valueFrom(ByteBuffer buffer)
Reads 6 bytes from the specified byte buffer and creates a MAC address
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.valueOf(byte[] bytes)
Returns an object that represents the value of the MAC address defined
by the specified address bytes.
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.valueOf(long encodedAddress)
Returns an object that represents the value of the MAC address encoded
by the specified long value.
static MacAddress |
MacAddress.valueOf(String address)
Returns an object that represents the value of the MAC address defined
by the specified string.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<MacAddress> |
MacUtils.getRandomMacs(MacRange range,
int count)
Returns a list of randomly generated MAC addresses.
static List<MacAddress> |
MacUtils.getRandomMacs(String spec,
int count)
Returns a list of randomly generated MAC addresses.
Iterator<MacAddress> |
MacRange.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
MacAddress.compareTo(MacAddress o)
Implements the Comparable interface, to return addresses in
natural order.
boolean |
MacRange.contains(MacAddress macAddress) |
boolean |
MacPrefix.prefixes(MacAddress mac)
Returns true if this MAC prefix applies to the specified MAC address.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MacAddress |
Standards-defined destination MAC address used by this protocol
static MacAddress |
Standards-defined destination MAC address used by this protocol.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
Returns the client layer-2 hardware address.
MacAddress |
Returns the destination address.
MacAddress |
Returns the link-layer address or null.
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address.
MacAddress |
Returns the MAC address or null.
MacAddress |
Reads a MAC address from the buffer.
MacAddress |
Returns the sender MAC address.
MacAddress |
Returns the source address.
MacAddress |
Returns the target MAC address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LldpTlv |
LldpTlv.chassisIdMacAddr(MacAddress mac)
Build a Chassis ID
LldpTlv of LldpTlv.ChassisIdSubType.MAC_ADDR . |
Dhcp.Builder |
Dhcp.Builder.clientHwAddr(MacAddress clientHwAddr)
Sets the client layer-2 hardware address.
Ethernet.Builder |
Ethernet.Builder.dstAddr(MacAddress dstAddr)
Sets the destination address.
LldpTlv.Builder |
LldpTlv.Builder.macAddr(MacAddress macAddr)
Sets the MAC address.
static LldpTlv |
LldpTlv.portIdMacAddr(MacAddress mac)
Build a Port ID
LldpTlv of LldpTlv.PortIdSubType.MAC_ADDR . |
Arp.Builder |
Arp.Builder.senderMacAddr(MacAddress senderMacAddr)
Sets the sender MAC address.
Ethernet.Builder |
Ethernet.Builder.srcAddr(MacAddress srcAddr)
Sets the source address.
Arp.Builder |
Arp.Builder.targetMacAddr(MacAddress targetMacAddr)
Sets the target MAC address.
void |
PacketWriter.write(MacAddress mac)
Writes a MAC address to the buffer.
Constructor and Description |
DhcpOption(DhcpOption.Code code,
MacAddress macAddr)
Constructor for an option holding a MAC address.
IcmpOptionV6(IcmpOptionV6.Type type,
MacAddress linkLayerAddr)
Create a new ICMPv6 option data store for
IcmpTypeCodeV6.NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT_NDP messages. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MacAddress |
SnmpField.asMacAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected MacAddress |
SnmpAbstractDecoder.decodePrimitiveAsMacAddress(SnmpField code)
Decodes a value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SnmpField |
SnmpAbstractCodec.encodePrimitive(MacAddress value)
Encodes a value.
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