public interface TeamControllerService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageFuture |
enablePort(DataPathId dpid,
BigPortNumber port,
boolean enable)
Instructs the controller to enable or disable the given port on the
specified datapath.
Set<DataPathInfo> |
Returns information describing each of the OpenFlow datapaths
currently connected to the controller or team of controller.
Set<DataPathInfo> |
Returns information describing each of the OpenFlow datapaths
currently connected to the controller.
DataPathInfo |
getDataPathInfo(DataPathId dpid)
Returns information describing a specific OpenFlow datapath.
List<MBodyExperimenter> |
getExperimenter(DataPathId dpid)
Lists meters configured on the datapath.
List<MBodyFlowStats> |
getFlows(DataPathId dpid,
TableId tableId)
Returns flows installed in the specified table of the given datapath.
List<MBodyGroupDescStats> |
getGroupDescription(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the groups description on the specified datapath.
MBodyGroupDescStats |
getGroupDescription(DataPathId dpid,
GroupId groupId)
Returns the group description on the specified datapath and groupId.
MBodyGroupFeatures |
getGroupFeatures(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the supported group features for the specified datapath.
List<MBodyGroupStats> |
getGroupStats(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the groups statistics on the specified datapath.
MBodyGroupStats |
getGroupStats(DataPathId dpid,
GroupId groupId)
Returns the group statistics on the specified datapath and groupId.
List<MBodyMeterConfig> |
getMeterConfig(DataPathId dpid)
Lists meters configured on the datapath.
MBodyMeterConfig |
getMeterConfig(DataPathId dpid,
MeterId meterId)
Returns the meter configuration for the given meter ID, from the
specified datapath.
MBodyMeterFeatures |
getMeterFeatures(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the meter features for the specified datapath.
List<MBodyMeterStats> |
getMeterStats(DataPathId dpid)
Lists meters configured on the datapath.
MBodyMeterStats |
getMeterStats(DataPathId dpid,
MeterId meterId)
Returns the meter statistics for the given meter ID, from the specified
Port |
getPort(DataPathId dpid,
BigPortNumber portNumber)
Returns the port description for the given port, from the specified
List<Port> |
getPorts(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the port description from the specified datapath.
List<MBodyPortStats> |
getPortStats(DataPathId dpid)
Returns the port statistics from the specified datapath.
MBodyPortStats |
getPortStats(DataPathId dpid,
BigPortNumber portNumber)
Returns the port statistics for the given port, from the specified
Map<UUID,ControllerStats> |
Returns statistical information about the controller.
List<MessageFuture> |
send(List<OpenflowMessage> msgs,
DataPathId dpid)
Instructs the controller to send the specified list of messages
(in order) to the specified datapath.
MessageFuture |
send(OpenflowMessage msg,
DataPathId dpid)
Instructs the controller to send the specified message to the
specified datapath.
void |
sendFlowMod(OfmFlowMod flowMod,
DataPathId dpid)
Dispatches the OpenFlow FlowMod message to the given datapath
via the Flow Tracker.
MessageFuture |
sendGroupMod(OfmGroupMod groupMod,
DataPathId dpid)
Sends the given GROUP_MOD message to the specified datapath.
MessageFuture |
sendMeterMod(OfmMeterMod meterMod,
DataPathId dpid)
Sends the OpenFlow METER_MOD message to the specified datapath.
Set<DataPathInfo> getAllDataPathInfo()
Set<DataPathInfo> getAllLocalDataPathInfo()
DataPathInfo getDataPathInfo(DataPathId dpid)
- the datapath idNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullMessageFuture send(OpenflowMessage msg, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
- the OpenFlow message to senddpid
- the OpenFlow datapath to which the message is to be sentNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if msg is mutable, or if it is a
- if there was a problem encoding or sending
the messageList<MessageFuture> send(List<OpenflowMessage> msgs, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
- the OpenFlow messages to senddpid
- the OpenFlow datapath to which the messages are to be sentNullPointerException
- if either parameter is null, or if any
element in the list is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if any message in the list is mutable,
or is a FlowModOpenflowException
- if there was a problem encoding or sending
the messagesList<MBodyFlowStats> getFlows(DataPathId dpid, TableId tableId)
If the specified table ID is TableId.ALL
or null, all flows
from all tables will be returned.
Note that table ID is ignored for OpenFlow 1.0 devices.
- the datapath from which the flows are requestedtableId
- the ID of the flow tableNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullvoid sendFlowMod(OfmFlowMod flowMod, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
Adds the specified flow to the given datapath if the message's
is ADD
Deletes the specified flow from the given datapath if the message's
Note that this call is synchronous; blocking until the flow has been accepted or an error occurred.
- the FlowMod message to senddpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if the message is mutableOpenflowException
- if there was a problem encoding
or sending the messageList<MBodyMeterConfig> getMeterConfig(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullMBodyMeterConfig getMeterConfig(DataPathId dpid, MeterId meterId)
- the target datapathmeterId
- the ID of the meterNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath or meter
does not existVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantList<MBodyExperimenter> getExperimenter(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullMessageFuture sendMeterMod(OfmMeterMod meterMod, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
Adds the meter to the specified datapath if the message's
is ADD
Modifies the meter on the specified datapath if the message's
Deletes the meter from the specified datapath if the message's
- OpenFlow METER_MOD message to datapathdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid or groupMod is nullOpenflowException
- if there was a problem sending the
METER_MOD messageIllegalArgumentException
- if meterMod is mutableMBodyGroupDescStats getGroupDescription(DataPathId dpid, GroupId groupId)
- the target datapathgroupId
- the ID of the groupNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantList<MBodyGroupDescStats> getGroupDescription(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantMBodyGroupStats getGroupStats(DataPathId dpid, GroupId groupId)
- the target datapathgroupId
- the ID of the groupNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantList<MBodyGroupStats> getGroupStats(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantMessageFuture sendGroupMod(OfmGroupMod groupMod, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
Adds the group entry to the specified datapath if the message's
is ADD
Modifies the group entry on the specified datapath if the message's
Deletes the group entry from the specified datapath if the message's
- OpenFlow GROUP_MOD message to datapathdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid or groupMod is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if groupMod is mutableOpenflowException
- if there was a problem sending the
GROUP_MOD messageList<Port> getPorts(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existPort getPort(DataPathId dpid, BigPortNumber portNumber)
- the target datapathportNumber
- the target portNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not exist or
the specified port does not exist on the datapathMap<UUID,ControllerStats> getStats()
List<MBodyPortStats> getPortStats(DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until all the port statistics replies have returned from the datapath.
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existMBodyPortStats getPortStats(DataPathId dpid, BigPortNumber portNumber)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the port statistics reply has returned from the datapath.
- the target datapathportNumber
- the target portNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not exist or
the specified port does not exist on the datapathList<MBodyMeterStats> getMeterStats(DataPathId dpid)
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullMBodyMeterStats getMeterStats(DataPathId dpid, MeterId meterId)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the meter statistics reply has returned from the datapath.
- the target datapathmeterId
- the target meter IDNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath or meter
does not existVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantMBodyGroupFeatures getGroupFeatures(DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the group features reply has returned from the datapath.
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid id nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existVersionMismatchException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantMBodyMeterFeatures getMeterFeatures(DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the meter features reply has returned from the datapath.
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existVersionMismatchException
- if datapath is not
OpenFlow 1.3 compliantMessageFuture enablePort(DataPathId dpid, BigPortNumber port, boolean enable)
- the target datapathport
- the target portenable
- true to enable; false to disableNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not exist or
the specified port does not exist on the datapathCopyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.