public interface RemoteControllerService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageFuture |
enablePort(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid,
BigPortNumber port,
boolean enable)
Instructs the controller to enable or disable the given port on the
specified datapath.
Set<DataPathInfo> |
getAllDataPathInfo(SystemInformation system)
Returns information describing each of the OpenFlow datapaths currently
connected to the controller running in the specified system.
List<Port> |
getAllPorts(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid)
Returns the information from the team of controllers forming a cluster
describing each of the ports currently connected for the given datapath
DataPathInfo |
getDataPathInfo(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Returns information from a particular member controller describing a
specific OpenFlow datapath.
List<MBodyExperimenter> |
getExperimenter(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Lists meters from a particular member controller configured on the
specified datapath.
List<MBodyFlowStats> |
getFlows(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId,
TableId tableId)
Returns the flows installed from a particular member controller in the
specified table of the given datapath.
List<MBodyGroupDescStats> |
getGroupDescription(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Returns the groups description from a particular member controller
configured for the specified datapath.
MBodyGroupDescStats |
getGroupDescription(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId,
GroupId groupId)
Returns the group description from a particular member controller
configured on the specified datapath and groupId.
MBodyGroupFeatures |
getGroupFeatures(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid)
Returns the supported group features for the specified datapath.
List<MBodyGroupStats> |
getGroupStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Returns the groups statistics from a particular member controller
configured for the specified datapath.
MBodyGroupStats |
getGroupStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId,
GroupId groupId)
Returns the group statistics from a particular member controller
configured for the specified datapath and groupId.
List<MBodyMeterConfig> |
getMeterConfig(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Lists meters configuration from a particular member controller
configured on the specified datapath.
MBodyMeterConfig |
getMeterConfig(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid,
MeterId meterId)
Returns the meter configuration for the given meter ID, from the
specified datapath.
MBodyMeterFeatures |
getMeterFeatures(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid)
Returns the meter features for the specified datapath.
List<MBodyMeterStats> |
getMeterStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpId)
Lists meters statistic from a particular member controller configured
on the specified datapath.
MBodyMeterStats |
getMeterStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid,
MeterId meterId)
Returns the meter statistics for the given meter ID, from a particular
member controller configured on the specified datapath.
Port |
getPorts(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid,
long portid)
Returns the information from the team of controllers forming a cluster
describing each of the ports currently connected for the given datapath
for the given port id.
List<MBodyPortStats> |
getPortStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid)
Returns the port statistics from the specified datapath.
MBodyPortStats |
getPortStats(SystemInformation system,
DataPathId dpid,
BigPortNumber portNumber)
Returns the port statistics for the given port, from the specified
ControllerStats |
getStats(SystemInformation system)
Returns statistical information about the controller.
List<MessageFuture> |
send(SystemInformation system,
List<OpenflowMessage> msgs,
DataPathId dpId)
Instructs a particular member controller to send the specified list of
messages (in order) to the specified datapath.
MessageFuture |
send(SystemInformation system,
OpenflowMessage msg,
DataPathId dpId)
Instructs a particular member controller to send the specified message
to the specified datapath.
void |
sendFlowMod(SystemInformation system,
OfmFlowMod flowMod,
DataPathId dpid)
Dispatches the OpenFlow FlowMod message from a particular
member controller to the given datapath via the Flow Tracker.
MessageFuture |
sendGroupMod(SystemInformation system,
OfmGroupMod groupMod,
DataPathId dpid)
Sends the given GROUP_MOD message from a particular member controller
to the specified datapath.
MessageFuture |
sendMeterMod(SystemInformation system,
OfmMeterMod meterMod,
DataPathId dpId)
Sends the OpenFlow METER_MOD message from a particular member
controller to the specified datapath.
Set<DataPathInfo> getAllDataPathInfo(SystemInformation system)
- the system informationDataPathInfo getDataPathInfo(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the datapath IdNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullMessageFuture send(SystemInformation system, OpenflowMessage msg, DataPathId dpId) throws OpenflowException
- the system informationmsg
- the OpenFlow message to senddpId
- the OpenFlow datapath to which the message is to be sentNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if msg is mutable, or if it is a
- if there was a problem encoding or sending
the messageList<MessageFuture> send(SystemInformation system, List<OpenflowMessage> msgs, DataPathId dpId) throws OpenflowException
- the system informationmsgs
- the OpenFlow messages to senddpId
- the OpenFlow datapath to which the messages are to be sentNullPointerException
- if either parameter is null, or if any
element in the list is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if any message in the list is mutable,
or is a FlowModOpenflowException
- if there was a problem encoding or sending
the messagesList<MBodyFlowStats> getFlows(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId, TableId tableId)
- the system informationdpId
- the datapath from which the flows are requestedtableId
- the Id of the flow tableNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullvoid sendFlowMod(SystemInformation system, OfmFlowMod flowMod, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
- the system informationflowMod
- the FlowMod message to senddpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if any parameter is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if the message is mutableOpenflowException
- if there was a problem encoding or sending
the messageList<MBodyMeterStats> getMeterStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullMBodyMeterStats getMeterStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid, MeterId meterId)
- the system informationdpid
- the target datapathmeterId
- the target meter IDNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath or meter does not
existList<MBodyMeterConfig> getMeterConfig(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullMBodyMeterConfig getMeterConfig(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid, MeterId meterId)
- the system informationdpid
- the target datapathmeterId
- the ID of the meterNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath or meter does not
existList<MBodyExperimenter> getExperimenter(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullMessageFuture sendMeterMod(SystemInformation system, OfmMeterMod meterMod, DataPathId dpId) throws OpenflowException
- the system informationmeterMod
- OpenFlow METER_MOD message to datapathdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId or groupMod is nullOpenflowException
- if there was a problem sending the METER_MOD
- if meterMod is mutableMBodyGroupDescStats getGroupDescription(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId, GroupId groupId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathgroupId
- the Id of the groupNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
complaintList<MBodyGroupDescStats> getGroupDescription(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
complaintMBodyGroupStats getGroupStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId, GroupId groupId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathgroupId
- the Id of the groupNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
complaintList<MBodyGroupStats> getGroupStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpId)
- the system informationdpId
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpId is nullVersionNotSupportedException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
complaintMessageFuture sendGroupMod(SystemInformation system, OfmGroupMod groupMod, DataPathId dpid) throws OpenflowException
- the system informationgroupMod
- OpenFlow GROUP_MOD message to datapathdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid or groupMod is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if groupMod is mutableOpenflowException
- if there was a problem sending the GROUP_MOD
messagePort getPorts(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid, long portid)
- the system informationdpid
- the target datapathportid
- the id of the port.List<Port> getAllPorts(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid)
- the system informationdpid
- the target datapathControllerStats getStats(SystemInformation system)
- the system informationList<MBodyPortStats> getPortStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until all the port statistics replies have returned from the datapath.
- target systemdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existMBodyPortStats getPortStats(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid, BigPortNumber portNumber)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the port statistics reply has returned from the datapath.
- target systemdpid
- the target datapathportNumber
- the target portNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not exist or
the specified port does not exist on the datapathMBodyGroupFeatures getGroupFeatures(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the group features reply has returned from the datapath.
- target systemdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid id nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existVersionMismatchException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
compliantMBodyMeterFeatures getMeterFeatures(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid)
Note that this is a synchronous call that blocks until the meter features reply has returned from the datapath.
- target systemdpid
- the target datapathNullPointerException
- if dpid is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not existVersionMismatchException
- if datapath is not OpenFlow 1.3
compliantMessageFuture enablePort(SystemInformation system, DataPathId dpid, BigPortNumber port, boolean enable)
- target systemdpid
- the target datapathport
- the target portenable
- true to enable; false to disableNullPointerException
- if either parameter is nullNotFoundException
- if the specified datapath does not exist or
the specified port does not exist on the datapathCopyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.