See: Description
Interface | Description |
Edge |
Representation of a directed graph edge.
EdgeWeight |
Abstraction of an entity capable of computing edge weights.
Graph |
Abstraction of an immutable directed graph.
GraphPathSearch |
Abstraction of a general directed graph search for paths.
GraphPathSearch.Result |
Representation of a graph path search result.
GraphSearch |
Abstraction of a general directed graph search.
GraphSearch.Result |
Representation of a graph search result.
MutableGraph |
Abstraction of a mutable directed graph.
MutablePath |
Abstraction of a mutable path through a directed graph.
Path |
Abstraction of a path in a directed graph.
Vertex |
Representation of a graph vertex.
Class | Description |
AbstractGraphPathSearch |
Abstract base for various graph traversal or search implementations.
AbstractGraphPathSearch.DefaultResult |
Default graph search result.
AdjacencyListsGraph |
Base implementation of a graph, using adjacency lists.
BellmanFordGraphSearch |
Implementation of the Bellman-Ford shortest-path graph search algorithm for
directed graphs with negative cycles.
BreadthFirstSearch |
Implementation of a general BFS algorithm.
DefaultPath |
Simple concrete implementation of a directed graph path.
DepthFirstRecursiveSearch |
Implementation of a general DFS algorithm using recursion method.
DepthFirstSearch |
Implementation of a general DFS algorithm using iteration method.
DijkstraGraphSearch |
Implementation of the Dijkstra shortest-path graph search algorithm.
TarjanGraphSearch |
Implementation of the Tarjan algorithm using recursion.
TarjanGraphSearch.ConnectivityClusterResult |
Graph search result which includes connectivity clusters.
Enum | Description |
DepthFirstSearch.EdgeType |
Classification of edges.
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