Configuring NAT444 user logging

NAT444 user logs are used for user tracing. The NAT444 gateway generates a user log whenever it assigns or withdraws a port block. The log includes the private IP address, public IP address, and port block. You can use the public IP address and port numbers to locate the user's private IP address from the user logs.

A NAT444 gateway generates NAT user logs when one of the following events occurs:

Before configuring NAT444 user logging, you must configure the custom NAT444 log generation and outputting features. For more information, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

To configure NAT444 user logging:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enable NAT logging.

nat log enable [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } ]

By default, NAT logging is disabled.

The acl keyword does not take effect on NAT444 user logging.

3. Enable NAT444 user logging.

  • For port block assignment:nat log port-block-assign

  • For port block withdrawal:nat log port-block-withdraw

By default, NAT444 user logging is disabled.

You can enable logging for both port block assignment and withdrawal.