Configuring Option 82

Follow these guidelines when you configure Option 82:

To configure Option 82:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number


3. Enable the relay agent to handle Option 82.

dhcp relay information enable

By default, handling of Option 82 is disabled.

4. (Optional.) Configure the strategy for handling DHCP requests that contain Option 82.

dhcp relay information strategy { drop | keep | replace }

By default, the handling strategy is replace.

5. (Optional.) Configure the padding mode and padding format for the Circuit ID sub-option.

dhcp relay information circuit-id { bas [ sub-interface-vlan ] | string circuit-id | { normal | verbose [ node-identifier { mac | sysname | user-defined node-identifier } ] [ interface ] } [ sub-interface-vlan ] [ format { ascii | hex } ] }

By default, the padding mode for Circuit ID sub-option is normal, and the padding format is hex.

6. (Optional.) Configure the padding mode and padding format for the Remote ID sub-option.

dhcp relay information remote-id { normal [ format { ascii | hex } ] | string remote-id | sysname }

By default, the padding mode for the Remote ID sub-option is normal, and the padding format is hex.