Configuring CID

Caller identification (CID) enables called terminals to display the calling information, including the calling number, calling name, date, and time.

CID supports the following data formats:

The called telephone displays the calling number differently as follows:

The FXS interface sends the CID to the called telephone through frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation between the first and second rings. For the CID to appear on the called telephone, the called user should pick up the handset after the second ring.

The CID feature requires configurations on both FXS and FXO interfaces. For configuration on the FXO interface, see "Configuring CID."

Configuration guidelines

Configuration procedure




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter FXS interface view.

subscriber-line line-number


3. (Optional.) Configure the calling name for the FXS interface.

calling-name text

By default, no calling name exists.

The calling name can be sent only in the multiple-data-message format.

Use this command on the originating device.

4. Enable the FXS interface to send CID to the remote end.

cid send


By default, this feature is enabled.

Use this command on the originating device.

5. Configure the standard mode for sending CID.

cid standard-type { bellcore | brazil }

By default, the bellcore mode is used.

This command is for use on the terminating device, which encapsulates the CID by using the configured standard mode and sends it to the called telephone.

The message format configured by using the cid type command takes effect only when the bellcore mode is used.

6. Configure the data message format.

cid type { complex | simple }

The default is complex.

Use this command on the terminating device.

When the originating device supports only one message format, you must use that message format on the terminating device.

7. Enable CID on the FXS interface.

cid display

By default, CID is enabled on an FXS interface.

Use this command on the terminating device.