ISDN interfaces

ISDN uses TDM technology to divide a physical interface into one data (D) signaling channel and multiple bearer (B) channels.

The ITU-T I.412 recommendation specifies the basic rate interface (BRI) and the primary rate interface (PRI).

BRI interface

The BRI interface provides two 64 kbps bearer (B) channels and one 16 kbps D-channel. This interface is also referred to as "2B + D."

The B-channels use timeslots 1 and 2 in the BRI interface.

PRI interface

The PRI interface has two variants: CE1 PRI (ITU-T recommended) and CT1 PRI (ANSI recommended). CE1 PRI provides 30 B-channels and CT1 PRI provides 23 B-channels. Different countries use different PRI variants, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: PRI interface specifications


CE1 PRI (30B + D)

CT1 PRI (23B + D)

Total bandwidth

About 2 Mbps

About 1.5 Mbps




Timeslot assignment

  • D-channel—Timeslot 16.

  • B-channels—Timeslot ranges 1 to 15 and 17 to 31.


CEI PRI uses timeslot 0 for clock synchronization.

  • D-channel—Timeslot 24.

  • B-channels—Timeslots 1 to 23.


  • Most Asia countries (including China)

  • Europe

  • North America (including USA and Canada)

  • Hong Kong

  • Japan