Configuration procedure
Configuring Router A
# Create HDLC link bundle interface 1 and assign an IP address to it.
<RouterA> system-view [RouterA] interface hdlc-bundle 1 [RouterA-HDLC-bundle1] ip address 24 [RouterA-HDLC-bundle1] quit
# Assign POS interfaces POS 2/2/1 to HDLC link bundle 1, and configure the interface to use the master clock mode.
[RouterA] interface pos 2/2/1 [RouterA-Pos2/2/1] clock master [RouterA-Pos2/2/1] link-protocol hdlc [RouterA-Pos2/2/1] bundle id 1 [RouterA-Pos2/2/1] quit
# Assign POS interfaces POS 2/2/2 to HDLC link bundle 1, and configure the interface to use the master clock mode.
[RouterA] interface pos 2/2/2 [RouterA-Pos2/2/2] clock master [RouterA-Pos2/2/2] link-protocol hdlc [RouterA-Pos2/2/2] bundle id 1 [RouterA-Pos2/2/2] quit
Configuring Router B
# Create HDLC link bundle interface 1 and assign an IP address to it.
<RouterB> system-view [RouterB] interface hdlc-bundle 1 [RouterB-HDLC-bundle1] ip address 24 [RouterB-HDLC-bundle1] quit
# Assign POS interfaces POS 2/2/1 to HDLC link bundle 1.
[RouterB] interface pos 2/2/1 [RouterB-Pos2/2/1] link-protocol hdlc [RouterB-Pos2/2/1] bundle id 1 [RouterB-Pos2/2/1] quit
# Assign POS interfaces POS 2/2/2 to HDLC link bundle 1.
[RouterB] interface pos 2/2/2 [RouterB-Pos2/2/2] link-protocol hdlc [RouterB-Pos2/2/2] bundle id 1 [RouterB-Pos2/2/2] quit