Configuring an IPv4 advanced ACL

IPv4 advanced ACLs match packets based on source IPv4 addresses, destination IPv4 addresses, packet priorities, protocols over IP, and other protocol header information, such as TCP/UDP source and destination port numbers, TCP flags, ICMP message types, and ICMP message codes.

Compared to IPv4 basic ACLs, IPv4 advanced ACLs allow more flexible and accurate filtering.

To configure an IPv4 advanced ACL:




1. Enter system view.



2. Create an IPv4 advanced ACL and enter its view.

acl number acl-number [ name acl-name ] [ match-order { auto | config } ]

By default, no ACL exists.

IPv4 advanced ACLs are numbered in the range of 3000 to 3999.

You can use the acl name acl-name command to enter the view of a named ACL.

3. Configure a description for the IPv4 advanced ACL.

description text


By default, an IPv4 advanced ACL has no ACL description.

4. Set the rule numbering step.

step step-value


The default setting is 5.

5. Create or edit a rule.

rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } protocol [ { { ack ack-value | fin fin-value | psh psh-value | rst rst-value | syn syn-value | urg urg-value } * | established } | counting | destination { dest-address dest-wildcard | any } | destination-port operator port1 [ port2 ] | dscp dscp | fragment | icmp-type { icmp-type [ icmp-code ] | icmp-message } | logging | precedence precedence | source { source-address source-wildcard | any } | source-port operator port1 [ port2 ] | time-range time-range-name | tos tos | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *

By default, an IPv4 advanced ACL does not include any rule.

Support for the counting keyword depends on the device model.

The logging keyword takes effect only when the module using the ACL supports logging.

6. Add or edit a rule comment.

rule rule-id comment text


By default, no rule comments are configured.

7. Add or edit a rule range remark.

rule [ rule-id ] remark text


By default, no rule range remarks are configured.