MP binding mode configuration examples

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 9, to enable MP for Serial 2/1/0 and Serial 2/1/1, use one of the following methods:

Figure 9: Network diagram

Configuration procedure

(Method 1) Binding the physical interfaces to a VT interface

  1. Configure Router A:

    # Create a VT interface, and configure an IP address for it.

    <RouterA> system-view
    [RouterA] interface virtual-template 1
    [RouterA-Virtual-Template1] ip address 24
    [RouterA-Virtual-Template1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp virtual-template 1
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp virtual-template 1
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] quit
  2. Configure Router B:

    # Create a VT interface, and configure an IP address for it.

    <RouterB> system-view
    [RouterB] interface virtual-template 1
    [RouterB-Virtual-Template1] ip address 24
    [RouterB-Virtual-Template1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp virtual-template 1
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp virtual-template 1
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] quit
  3. Verify the configuration:

    # Display MP information on Router A.

    [RouterA] display ppp mp
    Template: Virtual-Template1
    max-bind: 16, fragment: enabled, min-fragment: 128
      Master link: Virtual-Access0, Active members: 2, Bundle RouterB
      Peer's endPoint descriptor: RouterB
      Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
      Bundle Up Time: 2013/01/10  07:13:10:723
      0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
      Sequence: 0 (rcv)/0 (sent)
      Active member channels: 2 members
            Serial2/1/1               Up-Time:2013/01/10  07:13:10:724
            Serial2/1/0               Up-Time:2013/01/10  07:13:11:945

    # Display the status of the VA interface on Router A.

    [RouterA] display interface virtual-access
    Current state: UP
    Line protocol state: UP
    Description: Virtual-Access0 Interface
    Bandwidth: 128kbps
    Maximum Transmit Unit: 1500
    Hold timer: 10 seconds, retry times: 5
    Internet Address is Primary
    Link layer protocol: PPP
    LCP: opened, MP: opened, IPCP: opened
    Physical: MP, baudrate: 128000 bps
    Main interface: Virtual-Template1
    Output queue - Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/100/0
    Output queue - Protocol queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/500/0
    Output queue - FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/75/0
    Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Input: 2 packets, 80 bytes, 0 drops
    Output: 2 packets, 24 bytes, 0 drops
  4. Ping IP address on Router B.

    [RouterB] ping
    Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=4.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
    --- Ping statistics for ---
    5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/1.000/4.000/1.549 ms

(Method 2) Associating remote usernames with a VT interface

  1. Configure Router A:

    # Configure the usernames, and passwords of remote users.

    <RouterA> system-view
    [RouterA] local-user usera class network
    [RouterA-luser-network-usera] password simple aaa
    [RouterA-luser-network-usera] service-type ppp
    [RouterA-luser-network-usera] quit
    [RouterA] local-user userb class network
    [RouterA-luser-network-userb] password simple bbb
    [RouterA-luser-network-userb] service-type ppp
    [RouterA-luser-network-userb] quit

    # Bind a VT interface to users.

    [RouterA] ppp mp user usera bind virtual-template 1
    [RouterA] ppp mp user userb bind virtual-template 1

    # Create the VT interface and configure its IP address.

    [RouterA] interface virtual-template 1
    [RouterA-Virtual-Template1] ip address 24
    [RouterA-Virtual-Template1] ppp mp binding-mode authentication
    [RouterA-Virtual-Template1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] ppp authentication-mode pap
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] ppp pap local-user userc password simple ccc
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] ppp authentication-mode pap
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] ppp pap local-user userd password simple ddd
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] quit
  2. Configure Router B:

    # Configure the usernames, and passwords of remote users.

    <RouterB> system-view
    [RouterB] local-user userc class network
    [RouterB-luser-network-userc] password simple ccc
    [RouterB-luser-network-userc] service-type ppp
    [RouterB-luser-network-userc] quit
    [RouterB] local-user userd class network
    [RouterB-luser-network-userd] password simple ddd
    [RouterB-luser-network-userd] service-type ppp
    [RouterB-luser-network-userd] quit

    # Bind a VT interface to users.

    [RouterB] ppp mp user userc bind virtual-template 1
    [RouterB] ppp mp user userd bind virtual-template 1

    # Create the VT interface and configure its IP address.

    [RouterB] interface virtual-template 1
    [RouterB-Virtual-Template1] ip address 24
    [RouterB-Virtual-Template1] ppp mp binding-mode authentication
    [RouterB-Virtual-Template1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] ppp authentication-mode pap
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] ppp pap local-user usera password simple aaa
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] ppp authentication-mode pap
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] ppp pap local-user userb password simple bbb
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] quit
  3. Verify the configuration:

    # Display the MP information on Router A.

    [RouterA] display ppp mp
    Template: Virtual-Template1
    max-bind: 16, fragment: enabled, min-fragment: 128
      Master link: Virtual-Access0, Active members: 1, Bundle usera
      Peer's endPoint descriptor: RouterB
      Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
      Bundle Up Time: 2013/01/10  08:02:34:881
      0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
      Sequence: 0 (rcv)/0 (sent)
      Active member channels: 1 members
            Serial2/1/1               Up-Time:2013/01/10  08:02:34:881
      Master link: Virtual-Access1, Active members: 1, Bundle userb
      Peer's endPoint descriptor: RouterB
      Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
      Bundle Up Time: 2013/01/10  08:06:26:633
      0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
      Sequence: 0 (rcv)/0 (sent)
      Active member channels: 1 members
            Serial2/1/0               Up-Time:2013/01/10  08:06:26:634

    # Display the MP information on Router B.

    [RouterB] display ppp mp
    Template: Virtual-Template1
    max-bind: 16, fragment: enabled, min-fragment: 128
      Master link: Virtual-Access2, Active members: 1, Bundle userc
      Peer's endPoint descriptor: RouterA
      Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
      Bundle Up Time: 2013/01/10  12:31:13:391
      0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
      Sequence: 0 (rcv)/0 (sent)
      Active member channels: 1 members
            Serial2/1/1               Up-Time:2013/01/10  12:31:13:392
      Master link: Virtual-Access3, Active members: 1, Bundle userd
      Peer's endPoint descriptor: RouterA
      Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
      Bundle Up Time: 2013/01/10  12:35:05:88
      0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
      Sequence: 0 (rcv)/0 (sent)
      Active member channels: 1 members
            Serial2/1/0               Up-Time:2013/01/10  12:35:05:89

    # Display the status of the VA interfaces on Router B.

    [RouterB] display interface virtual-access
    Current state: UP
    Line protocol state: UP
    Description: Virtual-Access2 Interface
    Bandwidth: 64kbps
    Maximum Transmit Unit: 1500
    Hold timer: 10 seconds, retry times: 5
    Internet Address is Primary
    Link layer protocol: PPP
    LCP: opened, MP: opened, IPCP: opened
    Physical: MP, baudrate: 64000 bps
    Main interface: Virtual-Template1
    Output queue - Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/100/0
    Output queue - Protocol queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/500/0
    Output queue - FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/75/0
    Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Input: 2 packets, 80 bytes, 0 drops
    Output: 2 packets, 24 bytes, 0 drops
    Current state: UP
    Line protocol state: UP
    Description: Virtual-Access3 Interface
    Bandwidth: 64kbps
    Maximum Transmit Unit: 1500
    Hold timer: 10 seconds, retry times: 5
    Internet Address is Primary
    Link layer protocol: PPP
    LCP: opened, MP: opened, IPCP: opened
    Physical: MP, baudrate: 64000 bps
    Main interface: Virtual-Template1
    Output queue - Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/100/0
    Output queue - Protocol queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/500/0
    Output queue - FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/75/0
    Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Input: 2 packets, 80 bytes, 0 drops
    Output: 2 packets, 24 bytes, 0 drops

    # Ping IP address on Router B.

    [RouterB] ping
    Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    --- Ping statistics for ---
    5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.400/1.000/0.490 ms

(Method 3) Configuring an MP-group interface

  1. Configure Router A:

    # Create an MP-group interface, and configure an IP address for it.

    <RouterA> system-view
    [RouterA] interface mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterA-MP-group2/1/0] ip address 24

    # Configure interface Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterA-MP-group2/1/0] quit
    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] shutdown
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] undo shutdown
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure interface Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterA] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] shutdown
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] undo shutdown
    [RouterA-Serial2/1/0] quit
  2. Configure Router B:

    # Create an MP-group interface, and configure an IP address for it.

    [RouterB] interface mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Mp-group2/1/0] ip address 24
    [RouterB-Mp-group2/1/0] quit

    # Configure interface Serial 2/1/1.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/1
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] shutdown
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] undo shutdown
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/1] quit

    # Configure interface Serial 2/1/0.

    [RouterB] interface serial 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp mp-group 2/1/0
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] shutdown
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] undo shutdown
    [RouterB-Serial2/1/0] quit
  3. Verify the configuration:

    # Display MP information on Router A.

    [RouterA] display ppp mp
    Template: MP-group2/1/0
    max-bind: 16, fragment: enabled, min-fragment: 128
    Master link: MP-group2/1/0, Active members: 2, Bundle Multilink 
    Peer's endPoint descriptor: MP-group2/1/0
    Sequence format: short (rcv)/long (sent)
    Bundle Up Time: 2012/11/04  09:03:16:612
    0 lost fragments, 0 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
    Sequence: 0 (rcvd)/0 (sent)
    Active member channels: 2 members
          Serial2/1/1               Up-Time:2012/11/04  09:03:16:613
          Serial2/1/0               Up-Time:2012/11/04  09:03:42:945

    # Display information about interface MP-group 2/1/0 on Router A.

    [RouterA] display interface mp-group 2/1/0
    Current state: UP
    Line protocol state: UP
    Description: MP-group2/1/0 Interface
    Bandwidth: 2048kbps
    Maximum Transmit Unit: 1500
    Hold timer: 10 seconds, retry times: 5
    Internet Address is Primary
    Link layer protocol: PPP
    LCP: opened, MP: opened, IPCP: opened
    Physical: MP, baudrate: 2048000 bps
    Output queue - Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/100/0
    Output queue - Protocol queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/500/0
    Output queue - FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/75/0
    Last link flapping: Never
    Last clearing of counters: Never
    Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
    Input: 2 packets, 80 bytes, 0 drops
    Output: 2 packets, 24 bytes, 0 drops

    # Ping Router B from Router A.

    [RouterA] ping
    Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=4.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=7.000 ms
    56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
    --- Ping statistics for ---
    5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/2.600/7.000/2.577 ms