Displaying and maintaining PPP and MP

Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.



Display information about PPP access users.

display ppp access-user { interface interface-type interface-number [ count ] | ip-address ip-address | ipv6-address ipv6-address | username user-name | user-type { lac | lns | pppoe } [ count ] }

Display PPP address pools.

display ip pool [ pool-name | group group-name ]

Display IPHC statistics.

display ppp compression iphc { rtp | tcp } [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Display information about VT interfaces.

display interface [ virtual-template [ interface-number ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ]

Display information about VA interfaces on a VT interface.

display interface [ virtual-access [ interface-number ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ]

Display information about one or all MP-group interfaces.

display interface [ mp-group [ interface-number ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ]

Display MP information.

display ppp mp [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Clear IPHC statistics.

reset ppp compression iphc [ rtp | tcp ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Log off a PPP user.

reset ppp access-user { ip-address ipv4-ip-address [ vpn-instance ipv4-vpn-instance-name ] | ipv6-address ipv6-address [ vpn-instance ipv6-vpn-instance-name ] | username user-name }

Clear the statistics for VA interfaces.

reset counters interface [ virtual-access [ interface-number ] ]

Clear the statistics for MP-group interfaces.

reset counters interface [ mp-group [ interface-number ] ]