show capacities


show capacities <FEATURE> [vsx-peer]


Shows system capacities and their values for all features or a specific feature.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies a feature. For example, aaa.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Capacities are expressed in user-understandable terms. Thus they may not map to a specific hardware or software resource or component. They are not intended to define a feature exhaustively.


Showing all available capacities for mirroring:
switch# show capacities mirroring

System Capacities: Filter Mirroring
Capacities Name                                                             Value
Maximum number of Mirror Sessions configurable in a system                        4
Maximum number of enabled Mirror Sessions in a system                             4       
Showing all available capacities for MSTP:
switch# show capacities mstp

System Capacities: Filter MSTP
Capacities Name                                                             Value
Maximum number of mstp instances configurable in a system                        64       
Showing all available capacities for VLAN count:
switch# show capacities vlan-count

System Capacities: Filter VLAN Count
Capacities Name                                                             Value
Maximum number of VLANs supported in the system                                4094