<STORAGE-URL> running-config
copy <STORAGE-URL> {running-config | startup-config | checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-NAME>}
This command copies a specified configuration from the USB drive to the running configuration, to a startup configuration, or to a checkpoint.
Command context
Manager (#
Specifies the name of a configuration file on the USB drive with the syntax:
Specifies that the configuration file is copied to the running configuration. The file must be in CLI, JSON, or checkpoint format or the copy will fail. the copy will not work.
- Specifies that the configuration file is copied to the startup configuration. The switch stores this configuration between reboots. The startup configuration is used as the operating configuration following a reboot of the switch. The file must be in JSON or checkpoint format or the copy will fail.
checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-NAME>
Specifies the name of a new checkpoint file to receive a copy of the configuration. The configuration file on the USB drive must be in checkpoint format.
NOTE:Do not start the checkpoint name with
because it is used for system-generated checkpoints.
Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.
: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in CLI, JSON, or checkpoint format.startup-config
: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in JSON or checkpoint format.checkpoint <checkpoint-name>
: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in checkpoint format.
Copying the file runCli from the USB drive to the running configuration:
switch# copy usb:/runCli running-config Configuration may take several minutes to complete according to configuration file size --0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%-- Success
Copying the file startUp from the USB drive to the startup configuration:
switch# copy usb:/startUp startup-config Success
Copying the file testCheck from the USB drive to the abc checkpoint:
switch# copy usb:/testCheck checkpoint abc Success