show diagnostic


show diagnostic {fan-tray  | line-module | management-module} [<SLOT-ID>] 
     {brief | detail} [vsx-peer]


Displays the diagnostic test results for all modules or for a specified module.

Command context

Manager (#)


[fan-tray | line-module | management-module]

Selects the options for enabling or disabling runtime diagnostics for a specific module.


Specifies the enabling of diagnostic monitoring specific to a fan tray.


Specifies the enabling of diagnostic monitoring specific to a line module.


Specifies the enabling of diagnostic monitoring specific to a management module.


Specifies the member/slot for management modules (1/1), line modules (1/1), and fan trays (1/1-1/2) on a 6300 switch.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


When no parameters are used in the command (show diagnostic), the command applies to all modules.


Showing diagnostic test results in brief format for all modules on a 6300 switch:

switch# show diagnostic brief
Module               ID    Diagnostics Success
-------------------- ----- ----------- -------
ManagementModule     1/1           13     100%
LineModule           1/1           13     100%
FanTray              1/1            1     100%
FanTray              1/2            1     100%

Showing diagnostic test results in brief format for a specified module on a 6300 switch:

switch# show diagnostic line-module brief

Module               ID    Diagnostics Success
-------------------- ----- ----------- -------
LineModule           1/1           13     100%

Showing diagnostic test results in detail format for all modules on a 6300 switch:

switch# show diagnostic detail

Module : ManagementModule 1/1

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestamp   First Run Timestamp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  -------------------- -------------------
ddr_cecount    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:38  2019-07-31 07:44:55
emmc           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
fan_ctrlr      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
fepld          Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:38  2019-07-31 07:44:54
fru_eeprom     Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:54
fru_eeprom_ul  Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:54
mm_lcb         Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:37  2019-07-31 07:44:54
pmc            Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:37  2019-07-31 07:44:54
rdimm_spd      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
rdimm_tmp      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
rtc            Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
tmp1           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
tmp2           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55

Module : LineModule 1/1

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestamp   First Run Timestamp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  -------------------- -------------------
lc_asic        Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       108  2019-07-31 16:43:37  2019-07-31 07:46:03
poe_ctrlr_1_q1 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:03
poe_ctrlr_1_q2 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:04
poe_ctrlr_1_q3 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:04
poe_ctrlr_2_q1 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:05
poe_ctrlr_2_q2 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:05
poe_ctrlr_2_q3 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:05
poe_ctrlr_3_q1 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:06
poe_ctrlr_3_q2 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:16  2019-07-31 07:46:06
poe_ctrlr_3_q3 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:17  2019-07-31 07:46:06
poe_ctrlr_4_q1 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:17  2019-07-31 07:46:07
poe_ctrlr_4_q2 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:17  2019-07-31 07:46:07
poe_ctrlr_4_q3 Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:17  2019-07-31 07:46:08

Module : FanTray 1/1

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestamp   First Run Timestamp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  -------------------- -------------------
ft1_eeprom     Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:33  2019-07-31 07:44:54

Module : FanTray 1/2

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestamp   First Run Timestamp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  -------------------- -------------------
ft2_eeprom     Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         3  2019-07-31 16:07:50  2019-07-31 07:44:54

Showing diagnostic test results in detail format for a specified module on a 6300 switch:

switch# show diagnostic management-module detail

Module : ManagementModule 1/1

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestamp   First Run Timestamp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  -------------------- -------------------
ddr_cecount    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:38  2019-07-31 07:44:55
emmc           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
fan_ctrlr      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
fepld          Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:38  2019-07-31 07:44:54
fru_eeprom     Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:54
fru_eeprom_ul  Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:54
mm_lcb         Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:37  2019-07-31 07:44:54
pmc            Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0       109  2019-07-31 16:43:37  2019-07-31 07:44:54
rdimm_spd      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
rdimm_tmp      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
rtc            Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
tmp1           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55
tmp2           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         4  2019-07-31 16:08:04  2019-07-31 07:44:55

Showing diagnostic test results in brief format for all modules on a 6400 switch:

switch# show diagnostic brief 

Module               ID    Diagnostics Success
-------------------- ----- ----------- -------
ManagementModule     1/1           19     100%
LineModule           1/3           24     100%
LineModule           1/7           12     100%
LineModule           1/5           24     100%
LineModule           1/4           24     100%
LineModule           1/6           24     100%
Fabric               1/1            6     100%
FanTray              1/2            2     100%
FanTray              1/1            2     100%

Showing diagnostic test results in brief format for a specified module on a 6400 switch:

switch# show diagnostic management-module brief 

Module               ID    Diagnostics Success
-------------------- ----- ----------- -------
ManagementModule     1/1           19     100%

Showing diagnostic test results in detail format for a specified module on a 6400 switch:

switch# show diagnostic management-module detail 

Module : ManagementModule 1/1

Diagnostic     Status Error Code History Code Successive    Total Failure Total      Last Run Timestp
                                              Failure Count Count         Iteration
-------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------  ----------------
curr_sensor    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25
ddr_cecount    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0        34  2019-10-14 01:26
eeprom         Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25
eeprom_ul      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25
emmc           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:26
icbbp          Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0        34  2019-10-14 01:24
icbx           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0        34  2019-10-14 01:25
ledpld         Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0        34  2019-10-14 01:24
mm_mcb         Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0        34  2019-10-14 01:24
psu1           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:27
psu1_eeprom    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:26
psu2           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:27
psu2_eeprom    Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:27
rdimm_spd      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:26
rdimm_tmp      Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:26
rtc            Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:26
tmp1           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25
tmp2           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25
tmp3           Pass   0x0        0x0                      0             0         2  2019-10-14 00:25