ipv6 mld snooping fastleave


ipv6 mld snooping fastleave <port-list>


Enables the switch to immediately remove an interface from the bridge table upon receiving the leave group message.

The no form of this command disables fastleave configuration on the ports.

Command context



fastleave <PORT-LIST>

Specifies a list of one or more ports to be configured as fastleave ports. You can specify a single port, a comma-separated list of ports or a range of ports such as 1/1/1-1/1/3.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


MLD fastleave is configured for ports on a per-VLAN basis. By default, the querier sends a MLD Group-Specific Query message out of the interface, upon which the leave group message is received to ensure that no other receivers are connected to the interface. If receivers are directly attached to the switch, it is inefficient to send the membership query as the receiver wanting to leave is the only connected host. Fastleave processing eliminates the MLD Group-Specific Query message. Thus, it allows the switch to immediately remove an interface from the bridge table upon receiving the leave Group message. This processing speeds up the overall leave process and also eliminates the CPU overhead of having to generate an MLD Group-Specific Query message.


On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.

Configure fastleave ports for the VLAN:

switch(config)# vlan 2
switch(config-vlan)# ipv6 mld snooping fastleave 1/1/1
switch(config-vlan)# ipv6 mld snooping fastleave 1/1/1-1/1/2
switch(config-vlan)# ipv6 mld snooping fastleave 1/1/1,1/1/2-1/1/3
switch(config-vlan)# no ipv6 mld snooping fastleave 1/1/1
switch(config-vlan)# no ipv6 mld snooping fastleave 1/1/1-1/1/2