show ipv6 mld [interface <intf_id> | vlan <vlan-id>]


show ipv6 mld [interface <intf_id> | vlan <vlan-id>]


This command shows MLD configuration on a specific VLAN.

Command context

Manager (#)



Required: 1-4094, shows MLD configuration on a specified VLAN.


Required: IFNAME, shows MLD configuration on a specified interface.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


switch# show ipv6 mld interface vlan 10

MLD Configured Version   : 2
MLD Operating Version    : 2
Querier State              : Querier
Querier IP [this switch]   : fe80::7272:cfff:fe96:d3ec
Querier Uptime             : 40m 42s
Querier Expiration Time    : 1m 39s
MLD Snoop Enabled on VLAN  : True

switch# show ipv6 mld interface 1/1/2

MLD Configured Version   : 2
MLD Operating Version    : 2
Querier State              : Querier
Querier IP [this switch]   : fe80::7272:cfff:fe96:d3ec
Querier Uptime             : 40m 42s
Querier Expiration Time    : 1m 39s
MLD Snoop Enabled on VLAN  : True