spanning-tree trap


spanning-tree trap {new-root|topology-change [instance <INSTANCE-ID>]}

no spanning-tree trap {new-root|topology-change [instance <INSTANCE-ID>]}


Enables SNMP traps for new root and topology change event notifications. The default is disabled.

The no form of this command disables SNMP traps for new root and topology change event notifications.

Command context




Enables SNMP notification when a new root is elected on any MST instance on the switch.


Enables SNMP notification when a topology change event occurs in the specified MST instance on the switch.


Specifies the MSTP instance number. Range: 0-64.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Enables SNMP notification when a new root is elected:

switch(config)# spanning-tree trap new-root

Enables SNMP notification when a topology change event occurs:

switch(config)# spanning-tree trap topology-change

Enables SNMP notification when a topology change event occurs on instance 1:

switch(config)# spanning-tree trap topology-change instance 1

Disables SNMP traps when a topology change event notification occurs on instance 1:

switch(config)# no spanning-tree trap topology-change instance 1