ipv6 ospfv3 priority


ipv6 ospfv3 priority <number-value>

no ipv6 ospfv3 priority


Sets the OSPFv3 priority for the interface. The larger the numeric value of the priority, the higher the chance it will become the designated router. Setting a priority of 0 makes the router ineligible to become a designated router or back up designated router.

The no form of this command sets the OSPFv3 priority for the interface to the default of 1.

Command context




Specifies the OSPFv3 priority value. Default: 1. Range: 0 to 255.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Setting the OSPFv3 priority for the interface:

switch(config)# interface vlan /1
switch(config-if-vlan)# ipv6 ospfv3 priority 50

Setting the OSPFv3 priority for the interface to the default of 1:

switch(config)# interface vlan 1
switch(config-if-vlan)# no ipv6 ospfv3 priority