neighbor local-as


neighbor {<IP-ADDR>|<PEER-GROUP-NAME>} local-as <AS-NUMBER>

no neighbor {<IP-ADDR>|<PEER-GROUP-NAME>} local-as


Configures an alternate local AS number that can be used to establish a session with a peer, allowing a router to appear to be a member of a second autonomous system (AS), and its real AS.

Local AS allows two autonomous systems to merge without modifying peering arrangements. This command is valid only for external peers.

The no form of this command restores the default, which is for a peering session to be established using the primary AS (primary AS is the AS number specified at the time of neighbor creation using the command neighbor remote-as).

Command context




Specifies an IP address.


Specifies a peer group.

local-as <AS-NUMBER>

Specifies a 4-byte AS number in asplain format (z), or asdot format (x.y), where z is a number from 1 to 4294967295 and x and y are 16-bit numbers.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


switch(config-bgp)# neighbor local-as 200
switch(config-bgp)# no neighbor local-as
switch(config-bgp)# neighbor pg local-as 200
switch(config-bgp)# no neighbor pg local-as