object-group ipv6 address


Syntax to create an IPv6 address object group and enter its context:

object-group ipv6 address <OBJECT-GROUP-NAME>

no object-group ipv6 address <OBJECT-GROUP-NAME>

Syntax (within the address object-group context) for creating or removing IPv6 address entries:




Creates an IPv6 address object group comprised of one or more address entries. Address groups are used solely as a shorthand way of specifying groups of addresses in the ACEs that make up ACLs. IPv6 address groups can be used only in the access-list ipv6 command. Entering object-group ipv6 address with an existing address group name, enables you to modify an existing address group.

The no form of this command deletes the entire address group or deletes a particular address group entry identified by sequence number.

Command context


The object-group ipv6 address command takes you into the named address group context (with prompt switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)#) where you enter the addresses.



Specifies the address object group name.


Specifies a sequence number for the address entry. Range: 1 to 4294967295. When omitted, a sequence number 10 larger than the current highest sequence number is auto-assigned. Default auto-assigned sequence numbers are 10, 20, 30, and so on.

Specifies the IPv6 address.
  • <IP-ADDRESS> - specifies the IPv6 host address.

    • <PREFIX-LENGTH> - specifies the address bits to mask (CIDR subnet mask notation). Range: 1 to 128.

    • <SUBNET-MASK> - specifies the address bits to mask (dotted decimal notation).


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Creating an IPv6 address group with two entries:

switch(config)# object-group ipv6 address my_ipv6_addr_group
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# 10 1000::1
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# 20 1000::2
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# exit
switch(config)# show object-group
Type       Name
  Sequence L4 Port(s)/IP Address
IPv6       my_ipv6_addr_group
        10 1000::1
        20 1000::2

Adding an entry to an existing IPv6 address group:

switch(config)# object-group ipv6 address my_ipv6_addr_group
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# 30 1000::3
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# exit
switch(config)# show object-group
Type       Name
  Sequence L4 Port(s)/IP Address
IPv6       my_ipv6_addr_group
        10 1000::1
        20 1000::2
        30 1000::3

Removing an entry (20) from an existing IPv6 address group:

switch(config)# object-group ipv6 address my_ipv6_addr_group
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# no 20
switch(config-addrgroup-ipv6)# exit
switch(config)# show object-group
Type       Name
  Sequence L4 Port(s)/IP Address
IPv6       my_ipv6_addr_group
        10 1000::1
        30 1000::3

Removing an IPv6 address group:

switch(config)# no object-group ipv6 address my_ipv6_addr_group
switch(config)# show object-group
No object group found.