clear policy hitcounts


clear policy hitcounts { all | [<POLICY-NAME>] [[interface <IF-NAME> [in|out|routed-in]] |
                        [vlan <VLAN-ID> [in|out]]] | global }


Clears the policy hit count statistics.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Selects all policies.


Specifies the policy name.

interface <IF-NAME>

Specifies the interface name.

vlan <VLAN-ID>

Specifies the VLAN.


Specifies the inbound (ingress) traffic direction.


Selects the outbound (egress) traffic direction.


Selects the routed in traffic direction. Not applicable to a policy applied to a VLAN.


Selects the globally applied policy.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.

Clearing policy hit counts and then showing the policy hit counts (statistics):
switch# clear policy hitcounts my_policy int 1/1/1 in
switch# show policy hitcounts my_policy
Statistics for Policy my_policy:
Interface 1/1/1* (in):
           Hit Count  Configuration
10 class ipv6 my_class1 action dscp af21 action drop
                   0  10 match any any any count
* policy statistics are shared among each context type (interface, VLAN).
  For routed ingress, they are only shared within the same VRF.
  Use 'policy NAME copy' to create a new policy for separate statistics.
Clearing the globally applied policy hit counts and then showing the global policy hit counts (statistics):
switch# clear policy hitcounts global
switch# show policy hitcounts global
Statistics for Policy my_policy:
Global Policy:
           Hit Count  Configuration
10 class ipv6 my_class1 action mirror
                   0  10 match any any any count
* policy statistics are shared among each context type (interface, VLAN).
  For routed ingress, they are only shared within the same VRF.
  Use 'policy NAME copy' to create a new policy for separate statistics.
Clearing hit counts for policy MY_IPv6_Policy applied to VLAN 10 (ingress):
switch# clear policy hitcounts My_IPv6_Policy vlan 10 in
Clearing hit counts for all policies:
switch# clear policy hitcounts all