Enabling VSX synchronization at the context level

The commands in this table are for enabling VSX synchronization at the context level, such as for an access list, an interface, or a LAG.

When enabling VSX synchronization under a physical interface, a VLAN interface, or a VSX LAG, create on the secondary switch the physical interface, VLAN interface, or VSX LAG with the same name and routing setting as on the primary switch. For example, if the primary switch has a physical interface of 1/1/1, you must create another physical interface of 1/1/1 on the secondary switch. Also, if the primary VSX switch has routing enabled, the secondary switch must have routing enabled. Once the name and routing information is the same, VSX synchronization synchronizes the additional configuration information from the primary VSX switch to the secondary VSX switch.

Feature Command for enabling Example

Access lists associated with interface or LAG.

vsx-sync access-lists

Enabling VSX synchronization for access lists associated with interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync access-lists

Enabling VSX synchronization for access lists under interface LAG 2:

switch(config)# interface lag 2
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync access-lists
switch(config-lag-if)# apply access-list ip test1 in

An access list context.


switch(config)# access-list ip ITBoston
switch(config-acl-ip)# vsx-sync

One or more active gateways associated with an interface.

vsx-sync active-gateways

Enabling VSX sync for active gateways under interface VLAN 5:

Enter on the primary switch:

switch(config)# interface vlan 5
switch(config-if-vlan)# vsx-sync active-gateways

Enter on the secondary switch:

switch(config)# interface vlan 5

A class context.


switch(config)# class ip ITHouston
switch(config-class-ip)# vsx-sync

A policy context.


switch(config)# policy ITPaloAlto
switch(config-policy)# vsx-sync

An IRDP association under an interface enabled for syncing.

vsx-sync irdp

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# ip irdp
switch(config-if)# ip irdp minadvertinterval 550
switch(config-if)# ip irdp maxadvertinterval 850
switch(config-if)# ip irdp holdtime 900
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync irdp

QoS associated with an interface or LAG.

vsx-sync qos

Enabling VSX synchronization for QoS associations under interface 1/1/5:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/5
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync qos

Enabling VSX synchronization for QoS under interface LAG 3:

switch(config)# interface lag 3
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync qos

A QoS queue-profile


switch(config)# qos queue-profile qprofile1
switch(config-queue)# vsx-sync
switch(config-queue)# map queue 0 local-priority 7
switch(config-queue)# map queue 1 local-priority 6
switch(config-queue)# map queue 2 local-priority 5
switch(config-queue)# map queue 3 local-priority 4
switch(config-queue)# map queue 4 local-priority 3
switch(config-queue)# map queue 5 local-priority 2
switch(config-queue)# map queue 6 local-priority 1
switch(config-queue)# map queue 7 local-priority 0

A QoS schedule-profile


switch(config)# qos schedule-profile sprofile1
 switch(config-schedule)# vsx-sync
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 0 weight 1
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 1 weight 10
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 2 weight 20
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 3 weight 30
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 4 weight 40
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 5 weight 50
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 6 weight 60
 switch(config-schedule)# dwrr queue 7 weight 70

Policies under an interface.

vsx-sync policies

Enabling VSX sync for policies under interface VLAN 5:

Enter on the primary switch:

switch(config)# interface vlan 5
switch(config-if-vlan)# vsx-sync policies

Enter on the secondary switch:

switch(config)# interface vlan 5

Rate limits associated with interface or LAG.

vsx-sync rate-limits

Enabling VSX synchronization for rate limits with interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync rate-limits

Enabling VSX synchronization for rate limits under interface LAG 3:

switch(config)# interface lag 3
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync rate-limits

VLANs association under an interface enabled for syncing.

vsx-sync vlans

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync vlans

VSX active-forwarding for an interface VLAN.

vsx active-forwarding

switch# interface vlan 3
switch(config-if-vlan)# vsx active-forwarding