vsx-sync {[access-lists] [qos] [rate-limits] [vlans] [policies] [irdp]}


vsx-sync {[access-lists] [qos] [rate-limits] [vlans] [policies] [irdp]}

no vsx-sync {[access-lists] [qos] [rate-limits] [vlans] [policies] [irdp]}


Enables VSX synchronization for all access lists, policies, QoS, rate limits, and VLAN associations for a logical interface or a LAG interface. This command enables VSX synchronization for individual associations and to the combination of associations to the interface context. To synchronize the associations, you must configure the same interface on the peer switch.


When enabling VSX synchronization under a physical interface, under a VLAN interface, or a VSX LAG, create on the secondary switch the physical interface, VLAN interface, or VSX LAG with the same name and routing setting as on the primary switch. For example, if the primary switch has a physical interface of 1/1/1, you must create another physical interface of 1/1/1 on the secondary switch. Also, if the primary VSX switch has routing enabled, the secondary switch must have routing enabled. Once the name and routing information is the same, VSX synchronization synchronizes the additional configuration information from the primary VSX switch to the secondary VSX switch.

The no form of this command disables VSX synchronization, but it does not remove the feature configurations from the secondary peer.

Command context




{[access-lists] [qos] [rate-limits] [vlans] [policies] [irdp]}
Specifies one or more of the features for which to enable VSX synchronization.

Specifies the access lists that are associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.


Specifies the QoS associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.


Specifies the rate limits that are associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.


Specifies the VLANs that are associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.


Specifies the classifier policies that are associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.


Specifies the Internet Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) configurations that are associated under the interface enabled for VSX syncing.




Enabling VSX synchronization for VLANs associated with logical interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync vlans

Enabling VSX synchronization for access lists associated with logical interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync access-lists

Enabling VSX synchronization for access lists and policies that are associated with logical interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync access-lists policies

Enabling VSX synchronization for QoS that are associated under logical interface 1/1/5:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/5
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync vlans qos

Enabling VSX synchronization for rate limits that are associated under logical interface 1/1/5:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/5
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync rate-limits

Enabling VSX synchronization for rate limits, VLANs, QoS, access lists, policies associated with logical interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync rate-limits vlans qos access-lists policies

Enabling VSX synchronization for VLAN 1 under interface LAG 1:

switch(config)# interface lag 1
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync vlans
switch(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk native 1

Enabling VSX synchronization for an access list under interface LAG 2:

switch(config)# interface lag 2
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync access-lists 
switch(config-lag-if)# apply access-list ip test1 in

Enabling VSX synchronization for a QoS under interface LAG 3:

switch(config)# interface lag 3
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync qos
switch(config-lag-if)# apply qos schedule-profile test

Enabling VSX synchronization for a rate limit under interface LAG 4:

switch(config)# interface lag 4
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync rate-limits
switch(config-lag-if)# rate-limit broadcast 23 kbps

Enabling VSX synchronization for a policy named test under interface LAG 5:

switch(config)# interface lag 5
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync policies
switch(config-lag-if)# apply policy test in

Enabling VSX synchronization for a policy named test1, a rate limit of 23 kbps, a QoS named test, VLAN 1, and an access list named test1 under interface LAG 6:

switch(config)# interface lag 6
switch(config-lag-if)# vsx-sync policies rate-limits qos vlans access-lists
switch(config-lag-if)# apply policy test1 in
switch(config-lag-if)# rate-limit broadcast 23 kbps
switch(config-lag-if)# apply qos schedule-profile test
switch(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk native 1
switch(config-lag-if)# apply access-list ip test 1 in

Disabling VSX synchronization for access lists and policies under logical interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# no vsx-sync access-lists policies

Disabling VSX synchronization for access lists and policies under interface LAG 2:

switch(config)# interface lag 2
switch(config-if)# no vsx-sync access-lists policies

Enabling VSX synchronization of IRDP configurations under logical interface 1/1/1. The first five lines in the example configure IRDP and the last line enables VSX synchronization for IRDP configurations associated under interface 1/1/1:

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# ip irdp
switch(config-if)# ip irdp minadvertinterval 550
switch(config-if)# ip irdp maxadvertinterval 850
switch(config-if)# ip irdp holdtime 900
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync irdp