show erps summary


show erps summary


This command displays a summary of the ERPS configuration and state for the ERPS ring instances.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


switch# show erps summary

ERPS Summary

Flags: R - RPL, M - Major Ring, S - Sub Ring, T - TCN Enabled

Per-Instance Summary
Ring  Instance    Port0     Port1       Status         Flags
----  --------    -----     -----       ------         -----
1     1           1/1/1     1/1/2       Pending        R,M
1     2           1/1/1     1/1/2       Idle           M
2     1           1/1/3       -         Protection     R,S,T
2     2           1/1/3       -         Admin-down     S,T