An example of the VRF information provided by the show running-config command

When VRF is configured, the output of the show running-config command includes information about the VRF configuration.


switch# show running-config
Current configuration:
!Version Halon 0.1.0 (Build: genericx86-64-Halon-0.1.0-static_route_blackhole_reject_options-2
!Schema version 0.1.8
lldp enable
timezone set utc
vrf new
vrf test
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization commands default none
vlan 1
    no shutdown
interface 1/1/1
    no shutdown
    vrf attach test
    ip address
    ipv6 address 120::1/124
interface 1/1/2
    no shutdown
    vrf attach new
    ip address
    ipv6 address 121::1/124