


no auto-confirm


Specifies that CLI automatically enter the affirmative response (y) automatically to all confirmation prompts so that commands execute without waiting for user confirmation of the command.

The no form of this command disables the auto-confirmation feature, which is the default. Commands that prompt for user confirmation wait for user input from the CLI.

Command context

Manager (#)




Some commands—such as boot command—prompt you to confirm execution of the command, which enables you to cancel or continue execution of the command. Typically such commands display a confirmation message similar to the following:

Continue (y/n)?

Some commands might also prompt you to save the configuration as well as prompt for confirmation to continue execution.

When you execute the auto-confirm command, the CLI automatically enters the affirmative response (y) to all confirmation prompts. The auto-confirm command can be useful for automating switch configuration, but Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends that you use the REST API instead of using CLI scripts to automate configuration operations.

The no form of this command disables the auto-confirmation feature, which is the default. Commands that prompt for user confirmation wait for user input from the CLI.

When the switch reboots, auto-confirmation is set to the default (disabled).


switch# auto-confirm