Example: User management using REST APIs

Creating a user

Method and URI:


Request body:

  "name": "myadmin",
  "password": "P@sswr0d",
  "user_group": "/rest/v1/system/user_groups/administrators",
  "origin": "configuration"

Example curl command:

$ curl -k POST \
-b /tmp/auth_cookie \
"” –d '
  "name": "myadmin",
  "password": "P@sswr0d",
  "user_group": "/rest/v1/system/user_groups/administrators",
  "origin": "configuration"

On successful completion, the switch returns response code 201 Created.

Changing a password

Method and URI:

PUT ""

Request body:

  "password": "P@sswr0d2g",

Example curl command:

$ curl -k -X PUT \
-b /tmp/auth_cookie \
"” –d '
  "password": "P@sswr0d2g",

On successful completion, the switch returns response code 200 OK.

Deleting a user

Method and URI:


Example curl command:

$ curl -k -X DELETE \
-b /tmp/auth_cookie \

On successful completion, the switch returns response code 204 No Content.