REST API response codes
Response code |
Description |
2xx |
Successful operation |
200 |
OK. Returned from GET and PUT operations, and nonconfiguration API calls such as Login or Logout. |
201 |
Created. Returned from POST operations. |
204 |
No Content. Returned from DELETE operations. |
4xx |
Client-side error with error message returned |
400 |
Bad request. Typically a problem with the request body, such as incorrectly formatted JSON, or the data violated a database constraint. |
401 |
Unauthorized. No active session for this client (The login API has not been called), or too many sessions already created from this client. |
403 |
Forbidden. Client session is valid but has no permissions to access the requested resource. |
404 |
Not found. Resource does not exist, or the URI is incorrect for the desired resource. Can also occur if trying to access POST/PUT/DELETE API when the REST access-mode is set to read-only. |
5xx |
Server-side error with error message returned |
500 |
Internal server error. An unexpected error has occurred in processing the request. View the logs on the device for details. |
503 |
Service unavailable. The device is receiving more requests than it can process and is defensively rejecting requests to protect resources. |