show capacities-status


show capacities-status [bgp|classifier|mirroring|mstp|ospfv2|ospfv3|tunneling]


Shows system capacities status and their values for all features or a specific feature.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies the features for which to display capacities, values, and status.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed.




Showing the system capacities status for all features:
switch# show capacities-status

System Capacities Status
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of active gateway mac addresses in a system                              0      16
Number of aspath-lists configured                                               0      64
Number of community-lists configured                                            0      64
Number of neighbors configured across all VRFs                                  0      50
Number of peer groups configured across all VRFs                                0      25
Number of prefix-lists configured                                               0      64
Number of route-maps configured                                                 0      64
Number of routes in BGP RIB                                                     0  256000
Number of route reflector clients configured across all VRFs                    0      16
Number of access control entries currently configured                           0  512000
Number of Object Group Entries currently configured                             0    8000
Number of Object Groups currently configured                                    0    8000
Number of Access Control Lists currently configured                             0   16000
Number of class entries currently configured                                    0  128000
Number of classes currently configured                                          0    8000
Number of policies currently configured                                         0   16000
Number of policy entries currently configured                                   0   48000
Number of GRE IPv4 and "IPv6 in IPv4" Tunnels currently configured              0     127
Number of Mirror Sessions currently configured                                  0       4
Number of Mirror Sessions currently enabled                                     0       4
Number of mstp instances currently configured                                   0      64
Number of configured NAE agents currently active in the system                  1     100
Number of configured NAE monitors currently active in the system               18     300
Number of configured NAE scripts currently active in the system                 1      50
Number of OSPFv2 areas configured in the system                                 0     128
Number of OSPFv2 interfaces configured in the system                            0     128
Number of OSPFv3 areas configured in the system                                 0     128
Number of OSPFv3 interfaces configured in the system                            0     128
Number of unique tunnel local IPs currently configured                          0      16
Number of unique tunnel TTLs currently configured                               0       4
Number of different IPv4 VRRP virtual router groups configured in a system      0       8
Number of different IPv6 VRRP virtual router groups configured in a system      0       8
Number of IPv4 VRRP virtual addresses configured in a system                    0    1024
Number of IPv6 VRRP virtual addresses configured in a system                    0     512
Number of VRRP virtual router groups configured in a system                     0     256       
Showing the system capacities status for BGP:
switch# show capacities-status bgp

System Capacities Status: Filter BGP
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of aspath-lists configured                                               0      64
Number of community-lists configured                                            0      64
Number of neighbors configured across all VRFs                                  0      50
Number of peer groups configured across all VRFs                                0      25
Number of prefix-lists configured                                               0      64
Number of route-maps configured                                                 0      64
Number of routes in BGP RIB                                                     0  256000
Number of route reflector clients configured across all VRFs                    0      16       
Showing the system capacities status for ACLs and classifiers policies:
switch# show capacities-status classifier

System Capacities Status: Filter Classifier
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of access control entries currently configured                           0  512000
Number of Object Group Entries currently configured                             0    8000
Number of Object Groups currently configured                                    0    8000
Number of Access Control Lists currently configured                             0   16000
Number of class entries currently configured                                    0  128000
Number of classes currently configured                                          0    8000
Number of policies currently configured                                         0   16000
Number of policy entries currently configured                                   0   48000       
Showing the system capacities status for mirroring:
switch# show capacities-status mirroring

System Capacities Status: Filter Mirroring
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of Mirror Sessions currently configured                                  3       4
Number of Mirror Sessions currently enabled                                     0       4       
Showing the system capacities status for MSTP:
switch# show capacities-status mstp

System Capacities Status: Filter MSTP
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of mstp instances currently configured                                   0      64       
Showing the system capacities status for tunneling:
switch# show capacities-status tunneling 

System Capacities Status: Filter Tunneling
Capacities Status Name                                                      Value Maximum
Number of GRE IPv4 and "IPv6 in IPv4" Tunnels currently configured              0     127
Number of unique tunnel local IPs currently configured                          0      16
Number of unique tunnel TTLs currently configured                               0       4