copy diag-dump local-file


copy diag-dump local-file {<REMOTE-URL> [vrf <VRF-NAME>] | <STORAGE-URL>}   


Copies the diagnostic information stored in a local file using TFTP, SFTP, or USB.

Command context

Manager (#)



Select either the storage URL or the remote URL for the destination of the copied command output. Required.


Specifies the URL to copy the command output.

Syntax: {tftp:// | sftp://<USER>@}{<IP> | <HOST>}[:<PORT>][;blocksize=<VAL>]/<FILE>

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Specifies the VRF name. The default VRF name is default. Optional.


Specifies the USB to copy command output.

Syntax: {usb}:/<FILE>




The copy diag-dump local-file command can be used only after the information is captured. Run the diag-dump <FEATURE-NAME> basic local-file command before you enter the copy diag-dump local-file command to capture the diagnostic information for the specified feature into the local file.


Copying the output from the local file to a remote URL:

switch# diag-dump aaa basic local-file
switch# copy diag-dump local-file tftp://

Copying the output from the local file to a USB drive:

switch# diag-dump aaa basic local-file
switch# copy diag-dump local-file usb:/diagdump.txt