show qos dscp-map
show qos dscp-map [default] [vsx-peer]
Shows the global QoS DSCP code point settings, or the factory default settings.
Command context
Operator (>) or Manager (#)
Shows the factory default DSCP code point settings.
Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.
Showing the current DSCP map:
switch# show qos dscp-map code_point local_priority color name ---------- -------------- ------- ---- 0 1 green CS0 1 1 green 2 1 green 3 1 green 4 1 green 5 1 green 6 1 green 7 1 green 8 0 green CS1 <--OUTPUT OMITTED FOR BREVITY--> 45 5 green 46 7 green EF 47 5 green 48 6 green CS6 <--OUTPUT OMITTED FOR BREVITY--> 61 7 green 62 7 green 63 7 green
Showing the default DSCP map:
switch# show qos dscp-map default code_point local_priority color name ---------- -------------- ------- ---- code_point local_priority color name ---------- -------------- ------- ---- 0 1 green CS0 1 1 green 2 1 green 3 1 green 4 1 green 5 1 green <--OUTPUT OMITTED FOR BREVITY--> 45 5 green 46 5 green EF 47 5 green 48 6 green CS6 <--OUTPUT OMITTED FOR BREVITY--> 61 7 green 62 7 green 63 7 green(Color is reserved for future use.)