router bgp


router bgp <AS-NUMBER>

no router bgp <AS-NUMBER>


The command router bgp <ASN> configures the BGP instance on the router, configures the AS (Autonomous System) the router belongs to, and enters into the BGP router configuration mode. Only a single BGP AS number can be assigned for the entire system, including instances of BGP VRF. The VRF option specifies the VRF context for the instance being instigated.

The no form of the command will delete the BGP instance from the router.

Command context




Required: Specifies a 4-byte AS number in the range 1-4294967295 in integer format or from 0.1-65535.65535 in dotted format.

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Optional: Specifies the VRF instance and VRF name for the BGP AS. If no VRF is specified, the default VRF is implied.




Configures the BGP instance with the AS number and instance name.
switch(config)# router bgp 100
switch(config-router)# vrf cust_a
Deletes the BGP configurations.
switch(config)# no router bgp 100
This will delete all BGP configurations on this device.
Continue (y/n)?
switch(config)# no router bgp 100 vrf red
This will delete all BGP configurations on this device.
Continue (y/n)?