ipv6 nd prefix


ipv6 nd prefix <IPV6-ADDR>/<PREFIX-LEN> [no-advertise | [valid <LIFETIME-VALUE> preferred <LIFETIME-VALUE>] | no-autoconfig | no-onlink]

no ipv6 nd prefix <IPV6-ADDR>/<PREFIX-LEN> [no-advertise | [valid <LIFETIME-VALUE> preferred <LIFETIME-VALUE>] | no-autoconfig | no-onlink]

ipv6 nd prefix default [no-advertise | [valid <LIFETIME-VALUE> preferred <LIFETIME-VALUE>] | no-autoconfig | no-onlink]}

no ipv6 nd prefix default [no-advertise | [valid <LIFETIME-VALUE> preferred <LIFETIME-VALUE>] | no-autoconfig | no-onlink]}


Specifies prefixes for the routing switch to include in RAs transmitted on the interface. IPv6 hosts use the prefixes in RAs to autoconfigure themselves with global unicast addresses. The autoconfigured address of a host is composed of the advertised prefix and the interface identifier in the current link-local address of the host.

By default, advertise, autoconfig, and onlink are set.

The no form of this command removes the configuration on the interface.

Command context




Specifies the IPv6 prefix to advertise in RA. Format: X:X::X:X/M


Specifies apply configuration to all on-link prefixes that are not individually set by the ipv6 ra prefix <IPV6-ADDR>/<PREFIX-LEN> command. It applies the same valid and preferred lifetimes, link state, autoconfiguration state, and advertise options to the advertisements sent for all on-link prefixes that are not individually configured with a unique lifetime. This also applies to the prefixes for any global unicast addresses configured later on the same interface.

Using default once, and then using it again with any new parameter values results in the new values replacing the former values in advertisements. If default is used without the no–advertise, no–autoconfig, or no-onlink parameter, the advertisement setting for the absent parameter is returned to its default setting.


Specifies do not advertise prefix in RA.


Specifies the total time, in seconds, the prefix remains available before becoming unusable. After preferred-lifetime expiration, any autoconfigured address is deprecated and used only for transactions only before preferred-lifetime expires. If the valid lifetime expires, the address becomes invalid.

You can enter a value in seconds or enter valid infinite which sets infinite lifetime. Default: 2,592,000 seconds which is 30 days. Range: 0–4294967294 seconds.

preferred <LIFETIME-VALUE>

Specifies the span of time during which the address can be freely used as a source and destination for traffic. This setting must be less than or equal to the corresponding valid–lifetime setting.

You can enter a value in seconds or enter preferred infinite which sets infinite lifetime. Default: 604,800 seconds which is seven days. Range: 0–4294967294 seconds.


Specifies do not use prefix for autoconfiguration.


Specifies do not use prefix for onlink determination.




switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix 4001::1/64 valid 30 preferred 10 no-autoconfig no-onlink