show ipv6 neighbors


show ipv6 neighbors {all-vrfs | vrf <VRF-NAME>} [vsx-peer]


Displays information about ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) entries, including the IP address, MAC address, port, and state. Shows the entries in the ARP table for all IPv6 neighbors in all VRF (Virtual Router Forwarding) instances or a specified VRF instance.

When no parameters are specified, the show ipv6 neighbors command shows all ARP entries for the default VRF instance, and state information for reachable and stale entries only.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)





Shows the ARP tables for all VRFs.

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Shows the ARP table for the specified VRF. Length: Up to 32 alpha numeric characters.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed.


switch# show ipv6 neighbors
IPv6 Entries:


IPv6 Address                 MAC                Port      Physical Port  State

fe80::a21d:48ff:fe8f:2700    a0:1d:48:8f:27:00  vlan2300  1/1/31         reachable

fe80::f603:43ff:fe80:a600    f4:03:43:80:a6:00  vlan2300  1/1/30         reachable


Total Number Of IPv6 Neighbors Entries Listed: 2.
