show ip ospf statistics interface


show ip ospf [<INSTANCE-TAG>] statistics interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>] 
     [all-vrfs | vrf <VRF-NAME>] [vsx-peer]


Displays OSPF statistics for the OSPF-enabled interfaces.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Enter an OSPF Process ID to display OSPF-enabled interface statistics information on the specified OSPF process. Range: 1-63.


Select to display information only for the specified interface.


Optionally select to display OSPF-enabled interface statistics information for all VRFs.

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Optionally select to display OSPF-enabled interface statistics information for a particular VRF. If the VRF is not specified, information for the default VRF is displayed.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed.


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing OSPF-enabled interfaces information:

switch# show ip ospf statistics interface 1/1/1
OSPF Process ID 1 VRF default, interface 1/1/1 statistics (cleared 0h 30m 28s ago)

Tx Hello Packets      : 101               Rx Hello Packets       : 99
Tx Hello Bytes        : 101               Rx Hello Bytes         : 99
Tx DD Packets         : 101               Rx DD Packets          : 99
Tx DD Bytes           : 101               Rx DD Bytes            : 99
Tx LS Request Packets : 101               Rx LS Requests Packets : 99
Tx LS Request Bytes   : 101               Rx LS Request Bytes    : 99
Tx LS Update Packets  : 101               Rx LS Update Packets   : 99
Tx LS Update Bytes    : 101               Rx LS Update Bytes     : 99
Tx LS Ack Packets     : 101               Rx LS Ack Packets      : 99
Tx LS Ack Bytes       : 101               Rx LS Ack Bytes        : 99

Total Number of State Changes : 8
Number of LSAs                : 29
LSA Checksum Sum              : 2345
Total Transmit Failures       : 29
Total OSPF Packets Discarded  : 999

Reason                               Packets Dropped
Invalid type                         19
Invalid length                       9
Invalid checksum                     0
Invalid version                      23
Bad or unknown source                67
Area mismatch                        1
Self-originated                      19
Duplicate router ID                  9
Interface standby                    0
Total Hello packets dropped          60
  Network Mask mismatch              10
  Hello interval mismatch            10
  Dead interval mismatch             10
  Options mismatch                   10
  MTU mismatch                       10
  Neighbor ignored                   10
Authentication errors                12
  Type mismatch                      6
  Authentication failures            6
Wrong protocol                       0
Resource failures                    0
Bad LSA length                       0
Others                               0

Total LSAs Ignored : 176
Bad Type           : 10
Bad Length         : 56
Invalid Data       : 55
Invalid Checksum   : 55