https-server vrf


https-server vrf <VRF-NAME>

no https-server vrf <VRF-NAME>


Configures and starts the HTTPS server on the specified VRF. HTTPS server features include the REST API and the web user interfaces. By default, no VRFs have HTTPS servers configured or running.

The no form of the command stops any HTTPS servers running on the specified VRF and removes the HTTPS server configuration.

Command context




Specifies the VRF name. Required. Length: Up to 32 alpha numeric characters.




By using this command, you enable access to both the Web UI and to the REST API on the specified VRF. You can enable access on multiple VRFs.

By default, VRFs do not have HTTPS servers configured or running. Attempts to access web UI or REST URLs result in 404 Not Found errors.

The VRF you select determines from which network the Web UI and REST API can be accessed.

For example:

  • If you want to enable access to the REST API and Web UI through the OOBM port (management IP address), specify the built-in management VRF (mgmt).

  • If you want to enable access to the REST API and Web UI through the data ports (for "inband management"), specify the built-in default VRF (default).

  • If you want to enable access to the REST API and Web UI through only a subset of data ports on the switch, specify other VRFs you have created.

Aruba Network Analytics Engine scripts run in the default VRF, but you do not have to enable HTTPS server access on the default VRF for the scripts to run. If the switch has custom Aruba Network Analytics Engine scripts that require access to the Internet, for those scripts to perform those functions, you must configure a DNS name server must be configured on default VRF.


  • To enable access on all ports on the switch, specify the default VRF:

    switch(config)# https-server vrf default
  • To enable access on the OOBM port (management interface IP address), specify the management VRF:

    switch(config)# https-server vrf mgmt
  • To enable access on ports that are members of the VRF named vrfprogs, specify vrfprogs:

    switch(config)# https-server vrf vrfprogs
  • To enable access on the management port and ports that are members of the VRF named vrfprogs, enter two commands:

    switch(config)# https-server vrf mgmt
    switch(config)# https-server vrf vrfprogs