copy <STORAGE-URL> running-config


copy <STORAGE-URL> {running-config | startup-config | checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-NAME>}


This command copies a specified configuration from the USB drive to a running configuration, to a startup configuration, or to a checkpoint.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies the name of the file containing the configuration to copy from the USB drive. Required. The syntax is the following: usb:/<FILE>

{running-config | startup-config | checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-NAME>}

Selects the target for the copy. Required.


Specifies that the named configuration is copied to a running configuration. The file on the USB or flash drive must already be in the CLI, JSON, or checkpoint format; otherwise, the copy will not work.

Specifies that the named configuration is copied to a startup configuration. The switch stores this configuration between reboots. The startup configuration is used as the operating configuration following a reboot of the switch. The file on the USB drive must be in the JSON or the checkpoint format; otherwise, the copy will not work.
checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-NAME>

Specifies that the named checkpoint receives a copy of the configuration. The command requires that the specified checkpoint does not exist yet. The checkpoint name can be alphanumeric. It can also contain underscores (_) and dashes (-). The configuration file on the USB drive must be in the checkpoint format.




This command requires that the USB drive have the FAT file system. The requirements of the format of the file on the USB drive depends on the selected target:
  • running-config: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in the CLI, JSON, or checkpoint format.

  • startup-config: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in the JSON or checkpoint format.

  • checkpoint <checkpoint-name>: This option requires the file on the USB drive be in the checkpoint format.


Copying runCli configuration file from the USB drive to the running configuration of the switch:

switch# copy usb:/runCli running-config
Configuration may take several minutes to complete according to configuration
file size

Copying startUp configuration file from the USB drive to the startup configuration of the switch:

switch# copy usb:/startUp startup-config

Copying testCheck configuration file from the USB drive to the abc checkpoint:

switch# copy usb:/testCheck checkpoint abc