CLI Commands
Authentication commands
aaa authentication rest
aaa authentication rest login {local | radius | tacacs} [local| tacacs | none]
Usage:aaa authentication rest {enable | login} <primary-method> [<backup-method>]
Configure authentication mechanism used to control REST access to a switch.
Authorization commands
aaa authorization rest-uri
aaa authorization rest-uri [local | radius | none | tacacs]
[no] aaa authorization rest-uri {radius | local | tacacs | auto | none}
[no] aaa authorization rest-uri access-level {manager | all}
Configure rest-uri authorization. For each rest-uri issued by the user, an authorization request is sent to the server. rest-uri authorization can be applied to all rest-uris or only manager-level rest-uris.
aaa authorization group
aaa authorization group <ASCII-STR> uri-seq <SEQ-RANGE> match-uri <URI-STR>
match-json <JSON-STR> uri-access
{[put | post | get | delete | all] [permit | deny] log}
[no] aaa authorization group <GROUPNAME> <SEQ-NUM>
match-command <COMMAND> {deny | permit} [log]
[no] aaa authorization group <GROUPNAME> uri-seq <SEQ-NUM>
match-uri <URI-STR> match-json <JSON-STR> uri-access <ACCESS>
{deny | permit} [log]
Create or remove an authorization rule.
aaa authentication local-user
aaa authentication local-user <USERNAME> {{ group <GROUPNAME>
password {plaintext|sha1|sha256 <PASSWORD>}}
| {aging-period <aging-time>} |
{min-pwd-length <length>} |
- local-user <USERNAME>
The local user being added to the authorization group. The username can be up to 16 characters. The username must not contain spaces and is case-sensitive.
- group <GROUPNAME>
Name of the authorization group to which the local user belongs. The group must be an existing group.
- password {plaintext|sha1|sha256 <PASSWORD>}
The password can have a maximum of 16 characters. It must not contain spaces and is case-sensitive. The default is plaintext.
- aging-period <aging-time>
The password aging time.
- min-pwd-length <length>
The password minimum length.
- clear-password-history
Clear the password history for a user.
[no] aaa authentication local-user <USERNAME> {{ group <GROUPNAME>
password {plaintext|sha1|sha256 <PASSWORD>}}
| {aging-period <aging-time>} |
{min-pwd-length <length>} |
Create or remove a local user account.
Accounting commands
aaa accounting rest-uri
aaa accounting rest-uri {[stop-only | interim-update] [radius | tacacs]} server-group <ASCII-STR>
[no] aaa accounting {exec | network | system | commands | rest-uri}
{start-stop | stop-only | intermim-update}
{radius | syslog | tacacs}
[no] aaa accounting update periodic <Minutes>
[no] aaa accounting suppress null-username
aaa accounting session-id {unique | common}
Configure the accounting service on the device. Accounting can be configured for EXEC sessions, network connection, commands, rest-uri and system. The accounting data is collected by a RADIUS, SYSLOG, or TACACS+ server. Network accounting is not supported through TACACS+ and SYSLOG. session-id accounting is not supported for TACACS+.