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Aruba OpenFlow 1.3 Administrator Guide for ArubaOS-Switch 16.10
About this guide
Applicable products
Switch prompts used in this guide
About OpenFlow
OpenFlow architecture
Virtualization mode
Aggregation mode
OpenFlow features and benefits
Administrative methods
Supported RFCs and standards
Configuring OpenFlow
Configuration overview
Entering OpenFlow
Entering OpenFlow context
Entering OpenFlow instance context
Preparing for configuration
Enabling or disabling OpenFlow
Configuring OpenFlow instances
Configure table number for a flow table
Setting OpenFlow protocol version
OpenFlow instance mode
Configure OpenFlow instance members
Configuration commands
Add member VLANs
Add VLANs as members to OpenFlow instance
Flow location
Configuring listener ports
Configuring a controller
Associate OpenFlow instance with OpenFlow controller
Overriding the current exclusion list protocols
openflow instance
no openflow instance
show openflow instance
openflow instance override-protocol all
openflow instance override-protocol none
Securing the connection between an OpenFlow instance and the controller
Configuring auxiliary connections
Associating the auxiliary connection index with an OpenFlow instance
Configuring number of software flow tables per instance
OpenFlow instance connection interruption mode
Setting maximum backoff interval for an instance
Configuring IP Control Table Mode
Configure OpenFlow controller ports
Controller role change
Controller roles
Port modification
Port modification and OpenFlow versions
Configuring egress-only ports
Software and hardware rate limiting
Limiting the usage of hardware resources
Hardware statistics refresh interval
Custom table numbering
Implementation notes
Configuring VLANs
Configuring and verifying routing
Configuring physical and logical ports
Pipeline configuration commands
OpenFlow MAC group
OpenFlow pipeline
IP control table pipeline
Command to configure source MAC group table on an instance
Destination MAC group table on an instance
Human readable data-path description
Overriding the default drop action of tables.
OpenFlow Meters
Meter statistics, scale, and limitations
Group table
Group type ALL
Group type SELECT
Group actions
Group statistics
Group scale
Group limitations
OpenFlow per-flow rate limiting
QoS extensions
Create a limiter
Get limiter details
Support an OpenFlow flow with a limiter
OpenFlow Multi-VLAN instance
OpenFlow custom pipeline
Custom pipeline-model
Default Pipeline in custom mode
Pipeline modification process
Pipeline creation guidelines
Performance in custom pipeline model
Scale on custom pipeline Instance
Custom matches
Defining a custom match field
Programming a flow with match on custom match field
OpenFlow Packet-Out
Determining the VLAN
OpenFlow match on TCP flags and L4 port ranges
Matching on TCP flags and TCP/UDP port ranges
Experimenter match fields
Flow Mod Validations
TCP Flags/L4 port range matching in Custom Match Mode
Addition or modification of tag for single-tagged packets
Is/Is-not table
Error Messages
Push and pop VLAN
Show commands
Show OpenFlow information
Show global OpenFlow information
Show auxiliary connection information
Show OpenFlow controllers
Show OpenFlow flow table information
Show OpenFlow instance
show openflow instance test message-statistics
Viewing multiport-filter-limit
Show OpenFlow resources
Show OpenFlow instance group
Show OpenFlow instance flow table information
Viewing specific table capability
Show OpenFlow instance information
Show OpenFlow instance capabilities information
Viewing OpenFlow instance flow-table
Show OpenFlow instance flows
Show group information for a specific instance
Show per flow rate limiter information
Viewing message statistics for an instance
Show meter information for a specific instance
Viewing port statistics per instance
Troubleshooting OpenFlow
Diagnostic Tools Overview and Usage
Debug OpenFlow
Error messages
Interoperability error messages
Controller error messages
Port error messages
Limiter error messages
VLAN error messages
Instance error messages
Errors concerning auxiliary connections
Other scenarios
Troubleshooting an instance
Commands issued from listen port or controllers are not successful
Connection interruption mode setting
Flow modification
Programming flow errors
Flows go missing after addition
Missing line rate performance after flows are successfully installed
Troubleshooting scenarios and error messages
How to troubleshoot if instance is not coming up
Reporting problems
OpenFlow Flow-Mod and Pipeline-Mod error message enhancements
Support and other resources
Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support
Accessing updates
Customer self repair
Remote support
Warranty information
Regulatory information
Documentation feedback
Flow classification on v1, v2, and v3 modules
Hardware match chart
OpenFlow 1.3 multi-table model and device modes
Flow table capabilities
Implementation notes
A hardware flow with an idle timeout of 10 seconds gets deleted even though packets match the flow within the idle timeout
Controller flows — flow in hardware and processing software
DUT matches and processes incoming untagged packets for VLAN id
Events that change the Operational Status of the OpenFlow instance
OpenFlow influence on CPU generated packets
OpenFlow 1.0 supports IP address masking
Virtualization mode versus Aggregation mode — VLAN tags in packet_in messages
Precedence level in meters
Support for miss_len field in ‘switch configuration’ messages
Once a controller deletes flows from Table 0, it has to re-add in order for traffic to flow through an OpenFlow switch
OpenFlow matching traffic destined for switch MAC address
OpenFlow custom pipeline implementation notes
Multi-VLAN implementation notes
Implementation notes for OpenFlow groups in hardware
Implementation notes
Configuring secure connection HPE VAN SDN controller
Service Insertion
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