Switch documentation
Look for this switch documentation available on the Networking Support website:
ArubaOS-Switch Access Security Guide: Explains how to configure access security features and user authentication on the switch.
ArubaOS-Switch Advanced Traffic Management Guide: Explains how to configure traffic management features such as VLANs, MSTP, QoS, and Meshing.
ArubaOS-Switch Basic Operation Guide: Describes how to use the switch interfaces and introduces basic operations.
ArubaOS-Switch Event Log Message Reference Guide: Provides a comprehensive description of event log messages.
The Installation and Getting Started Guide for each switch: Explains how to prepare, install, and connect the switch.
ArubaOS-Switch IPv6 Configuration Guide: Describes the IPv6 protocol operations that are supported on the switch.
ArubaOS-Switch Management and Configuration Guide: Describes how to configure, manage, and monitor basic switch operation.
ArubaOS-Switch Multicast and Routing Guide: Explains how to configure IGMP, PIM, IP routing, and VRRP features.
Switch Software Release Notes: Describes new features, fixes, and enhancements that become available between revisions of the main product guide.